I dont usually have much to post except work stuff here recently. And im gonna post about work again. haha. Oh well. Im a busy little bee now.
I got a promotion. I am now the internet sales manager at work. My day goes by so quickly now. They used to drag by and I would wonder how much longer. Now I look up and its and its 8 and im like huh? already? I have been getting all of my internet stuff set up and getting some of my other tasks taken care of as well. I am also in charge of the used car lot. So I gotta keep an eye on that. And I have to update all of our internet prices when im told its time.
Today I find out that we are getting a new website. And I will be the one in control of it. So... I have so much more Im gonna be doing in the coming days. All of that is coupled with me trying to sell cars. I might be able to blog from work if I have time, but I may not. IE is the only thing that is blocked and my computer has Firefox. Which is not blocked. But I will watch my "non work related" use. So yea, Im a big dog now. And I get paid much more than I was getting paid. I love it. And I love my job now. Im happy at work. It took 3 months to get promoted from peon to important person. Im happy. I busted my ass and showed I know what Im doing.
So go me! Well thats about all I have right now. Oh yea....
I MISS MY AR! I want to go see her so bad. My boss is ok with me going soon. So YAY!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Ok, so i suck more at posting that usual.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Work woes and Stars game
Well first off, work is getting worse. They fired one of the best salesmen up at work. But he is doing good, already has 2 jobs he can start on Monday. One with the former used car manager that got fired who is at another dealership and the 2nd is at the other dealership down the street from us. Which pays better. They offer a much better draw than us. Our draw is minimum wage for hours worked if we dont make commission. Theirs is 2k a month. And its a Chevrolet dealership. I might go down there for some benefits. I would make more money and since my mom wants a Colorado, I could get her a good deal. That and the new Camaro comes out in March, so I could sell those. I know more about Chevrolet than I know about Chrysler products. Im really thinking about going down there and applying. Plus I know a guy that works there other than my friend that possibly might work there.
My only thing is I dont want to sell cars anymore. There is too much bullshit involved. It might be just this dealership, but there is too much involved so far. So many hoops you have to jump through dealing with that shit. I dunno, 2 grand a month sounds mighty good to me right now. Sigh... I need to get a new job no matter what. Why should I stay at this dealership longer when I am miserable every day and getting paid absolute shit. Why not go down the street and get paid more for what Im doing now? Im not gonna make 2k a month delivering sandwiches and or pizza. I didnt make that in CA. Fuck.. What am I gonna do? I also think that I might do better down at this other dealership. And I think I would be happier. So why am I worried about even applying?
Ill tell you. I have a problem with change. It always scares me. And I mean badly. Which sucks when I am looking for jobs. I dont ever know what its going to be like and if I can put up with it. I like a routine most of the time. And getting out of my routine scares me. I always rethink what I should do. I could have already had another job by now if I was not like this. Fuck I hate my mind sometimes. It kills me.
Ok enough work shit.... So I watched the Stars game last night versus the St Louis Blues. And it was fucking horrible. 6-1 loss. And to top it off, there was a guy from minnesota down that was watching the wild/panthers game. And he told me "I'm sorry you are a Stars fan." Then proceded to talk about the move of the team from Minnesota to Dallas. Which I knew about and I thought he was cool at first til he started cheering when the blues scored on us every time. Then I wanted to hit him. Fuck that dick head. So I was in a very somber mood last night.
Oh, and some of you may have noticed AR has not posted in a few days. Dont worry, She is fine, Her charger to her laptop fucked up and she has not been able to post. I ordered her a new one, so no worries, it should be there tomorrow or monday. We are hoping for tomorrow. She is dying without the computer haha. And she says she could live without the comp lol. I know she could, but since she has nothing to do out there but work, she is dying. So go leave her some comments to at least let her know you missed her.
I am going to go hang out with the guy from work that got fired tomorrow night possibly. He is a cool guy. So he is gonna see if he has plans tomorrow and get back to me. We will probably go to that pool hall I love going to. He would love it haha. Lots of college girls for him to hit on. Haha. I think it will be fun. Might talk to a few of the other guys and see if they wanna go too. I like most of them actually, just not the managers for the most part. Haha.
So... Does anyone even read my long ass posts? Or even read my blog at all? Im beginning to think that no one does for the most part. I know its my fault since I didnt post for so long. But yea, I dunno. Post a comment at least if you read this one. Thanks yall.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Fabian Brunnstrom where have you been all my life?
For those of you who do not know who Fabian Brunnstrom is, Thats him, number 96. He played his first NHL game tonight against the Nashville Predators in Dallas.
Why am I posting about this kid? Well, you see that picture over there. See him all happy and shit? Thats because he got a hat trick tonight (3 goals in one game) Yes, his first NHL game and he gets a damn hat trick.
We just signed him this year and he is out there playing with the big boys and kicking ass. He is only 23. He is from Sweden. Im hoping he is going to make a name for himself in Dallas. If he keeps this up, he will be unstoppable. Go Brunnstrom!
Ok so I went to the game tonight with CL and Road-E. We may have had some pretty high up seats, but they were free and actually not that bad.
I bought a new hat tonight. I havent bought a new baseball cap in a long time and I liked this Stars one that I found. It is a pretty awesome hat for only 20 bucks.
The Stars won tonight 6-4. It was a roller coaster of a game. We went up and then they came back and tied and we would go up and they would tie. It was crazy. But we answered every one of their goals with one of our own.
Road-E is a big Stars fan as well, but CL is not. He never sat down and figured the game out. He just hung out and watched games with me to do something. But now, he wants to learn the game. And he is grasping it pretty well. I told him that he needed some Stars merch since he was the only one not wearing anything Stars tonight. So he bought a new hat as well. Same one as me. Technically, he bought his first, and I liked it. Plus it was the only flex fit hat that they had that fit my big head. The others were too small. I just have to get it to stretch a little bit. He is gonna be a real Stars fan yet haha.
He picked one hell of a game to go to haha. It was bad ass. Fuck Im still hyped over it haha.
Im just getting over this horrible ass sinus infection as well. Actually working on quitting smoking. I have been sick for about 2 weeks now. Still not completely over this.
Well, Im still hating my job. Seriously thinking about going back to delivering food. But I gotta find the right place. I was also talking with one of the guys I work with today about when he worked as an insurance adjuster. I think I could be an automotive adjuster. I know cars fairly well. I have had to point things out to adjusters before. He says they make pretty good money as well. I might think of picking that up.
I always work something different haha. Im a jack of all trades kinda guy. I like to know how to do lots of shit. I mean, I know how to work on cars, work on computers, know some law stuff from doing bail bonds, know the cell phone industry from working for ATT, know how to make pizza, know how the automotive sales industry works, and several other things I have picked up over the years. That is also from my bouncing from job to job that I dont like. Which has been bad yet good since I have gained a lot of knowledge along the way.
Who knows what Im gonna do. I always have some crazy idea cooked up in my head. AR usually tells me that I am silly because I am always coming up with something. I mean, I wanted to open a bar, an internet cafe, build computers and sell them, buy and sell real estate, open a whataburger in California since there are none there, open up a musicians practice room facility, open up a concert venue, manage bands, run a bbq smoker trailer, and here recently buy and run vending machines.
I have this problem working for people. I dont like it. I want to be my own boss. I am an entrepreneur at heart. So I have to find something that I can run. I think I have just the thing. Though. It will make me happy, not rich, but happy.
Well I rambled enough, so Im gonna get off here haha.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Bored and getting tired.
Hello again folks. Yes, Its me, posting again so soon. What, its been like a day? Exactly. Oh well, I am trying to post more around here.
I figured something out today about what I was trying to do for a new job. I knew I would have to file a 1099 because I would be an independant contractor. Which means I have to pay my taxes at the end of the year. So I would need to take about 30% of my wages and put them back to pay my taxes. Of course deductions would cover some of that, but I wont have enough to cover all of that. The way I look at it is. Average $540 a week but I assume low, so $500. I would need to hold back $150. So that makes my weekly pay about 350. Which is not much more than I am making now. And then I have to pay for gas, maintenence, and all of my other expenses. So it sucks. I am really gonna have to say no to that job.
I wanted to go to the state fair today, but I woke up late and had other stuff to do. I mailed out AR's package today. I sent her a good bunch of stuff. She will love everything. Then I was really hungry and I went to go get some food with Foghat at On the Border. Then I came home and am just chilling here all night.
Well I ran out of things to say. So Im gonna get off here. Later all.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Hello folks
I sit here still in my work clothes because I dont have to work tomorrow. I dont care to change yet, but probably will soon since Im wearing a long sleeve button down and slacks. I am tolerating my job a little better now. My managers are becoming a lot better to deal with. But... Im worried as well. They have fired 3 people in the past 2 days. The used car manager, the used car internet guy, and the top used car salesman. Im guessing they are completely eliminating the used car dept.
Im already doing better this month than I was last month. I have already gotten a deal. Well.. kinda, it was yesterday, but I dont know if it will go on this month or last month. but its half a deal. So Im good right now. Sept sucked for me up there. Im looking to make a good sale this weekend if I can get my friends brother approved. We have a truck that we didnt pay very much for but is still in awesome condition. Its an 07 with 8k miles on it. Nothing wrong with it. I just hope its what he is looking for. Its worth a lot more than the selling price is. Im going to sell it for more and make myself a big comission check. I dont know this guy, so Im all good. I need a good check to leave this place on.
I have decided that I am going to be a courier. I have a few prospects that I will be calling tomorrow and will try to get hired soon. Im ready to leave that dealership. I would like to keep in touch with some of the people, but not as an employee.
Ok so Im gonna go smoke and start on a diff subject.
So I am very happy for AR, she is happy with this new dental office. And she starts her work next week. She seems very happy about it as well. This is a good thing for her. :) So I still miss her like crazy. I get down about this very often. There are so many things that we normally do and wanted to do. We were gonna go to several hockey games this season. I dont like going out without her. I go out every once in a while now. I am saving money like crazy though so thats a good thing. I should be able to go out to see her soon. That will be awesome. I really want her to come home for a visit as well. I will take her out to do many things when she does come home.
So my sister wants me to meet her boyfriend. I have not had a good opinion of this guy at all ever since I knew of him. He is 17 years older than her. I do not like this at all. She is 20. But so far he has been treating her right. He is a pretty well off guy. He buys her nice things all the time. He is the GM of a busy bar in downtown Dallas. He earned some respect from me the other night. My sister had an episode. He calmed her down and took care of her. Then told her manager the next day who then told a cop who regularly comes into her job. They got her some help. She is doing better now. So like I said she wants me to meet him. She always wants me to meet her boyfriends. I guess she likes my approval. She never listens to me but yea, she does want me to meet them. Well, Im going to go meet him saturday night. We are going to go up to the bar that he manages. I will be getting in free, free valet, and free drinks. Too bad I dont drink that much anymore. Its hard for me to lose the opinion that I formed about him. To me he is just some old sleeze bag that wants to date a young girl. I will give him a chance though I guess. My mom has met him and seems to be ok with him. He is much better than her past boyfriends though. He isnt a drug dealer/drug addict. That makes me happy. I shall let everyone know how that meeting goes
AR is bored and I am going to get off here and call her now.
Oh, I have a real quick question for everyone, How do you get rid of your confidential documents? Personally, I burn them. Just comment and let me know. Thank you.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Why hello there. Its late and I still hate my job
So, this is a normal post. It wont be a long one so no worries.
I miss AR like crazy. She has been gone about 2 months and I am really having a hard time without her. She is my everything. My support when I get down on myself. I dont have very good self confidence. And she always makes me feel good. I miss her sleeping in my bed. I miss hugging her and kissing her. I miss just randomly touching her throughout the day. I miss her making fun of me. I even miss her hyper off of coffee crazy little nights. I miss everything about her. I work a lot so that helps, but even at work, I still miss her like crazy. I do not sleep in the center of my bed. I do not sleep on her side of the bed. Since she has left, I still sleep on my side. Her 2 pillows take up her side of the bed. And thats the only way I can sleep. I even miss her ice cold feet. She always asks me if her feet are cold and then puts them on my legs. I miss that. Everything I miss. Sigh... I just want her to be back here with me.
So on to the hating my job part. I sell cars at a Chrysler Dealership. I went through a staffing agency that staffs car dealers to get that job. Took their online training and got hired. Well if anyone has been keeping up with the automotive world, they should know that Chrysler's sales have dropped more than the other American auto makers. The dealership has not made a profit in over a year. The customer traffic is horrid. We haven't sold one new car since monday. I cant believe that I would be placed at a dealership that has lost that much money. My direct manager is a dick. He is only there because his buddy is the General Sales Manager. He is pushy and pretty fucking unpleasant to be around. And an ass fuck to boot. He is the main reason I hate that place. The former owner used to piss me off but he got bought out by chrysler corp. Which makes me happy. I foresee this dealership getting shut down. I will have a new job by then anyways. But yea, I hate that place. Its on the edge of the ghetto. Our average credit score that comes through is a 400. The cheapest vehicle we have is 19k. We dont have any vehicle that gets 30 mpg. The closest is 27 from a jeep suv. Its embarrassing. Main reason why we dont sell any cars. Everyone is buying fuel efficient vehicles right now. we have about 40 chrysler 300's which start at 26k and get 25mpg highway. It is just poor planning by the dealership. I would have some of them but have more of the most fuel efficient vehicles that chrysler made. And they wonder why they cant sell cars.
So I am thinking about being an independent contract courier. Use my own car to deliver packages around the DFW area. Its either that or do security. I was wanting to not use my car to be a courier, but I might have to. I loved delivering pizza, and I love driving. So it seems like the perfect job for me. I have put in apps for some companies, but have not heard anything back yet.
Well thats about all of the update for me that I can think of right now. And this went longer than I thought. So thats all. I am going to try to get a couple reviews up on my review blog soon when I have the time.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Catching up on a shit load of WW
Wednesday Weirdness. Play with us, you know you want to.
WW #21
1.) If you caught your partner viewing porn online and masturbating, how would you react?
I would ask what she was watching and check it out and possibly have some sexy time together. :)
2.) If you caught your partner participating in a sex chat room online, how would you react?
That might irk me a little bit. Especially if it was with a dude. Now if its with girls, Im all cool. She can chat up the ladies all she wants.
3.) Did your parents know when you became sexually active? How did they find out?
Um, Nope haha. Umm... She just knew lol.
4.) How open were/are your parents about sex?
My mom is not at all lol. Well maybe a little tiny bit, but yea not really at all.
5.) When was the last time you had a splinter? What part of your body was it stuck in?
Hell I dont remember haha.
6.) If you could only bring back ONE extinct animal, what would it be and why?
Hmm, interesting. Im not sure, probably a stegosaurus.
Wednesday Weirdness #20: Weight Watchers
1. Are you happy with how much you weigh? Why or Why not?
Nope, not at all. Because im about 60 lbs over weight.
2. Have you ever been at a weight you are happy with?
Probably, but not in some years.
3. Are you currently on a diet now? If yes, describe.
4. What is the craziest thing you have ever done to lose weight?
I took hydroxycut when I was in HS. It worked, but yea, that wasnt good for me
5. What is your favorite thing about your body?
My large frame.
6. What is your least favorite thing about your body
My fat.
WW #19
1.) Someone dares you to eat two cooked bulls testicles for 1,500 dollars. They're fried, topped with nacho cheese, belly button lint, lima beans, sweat rung out from a dirty sock and maple syrup and you have to eat it all. Are you going to eat it for the cash or pass?
Nope, Im passing on that. Not just for 1500 bucks. Sweat from the sock killed it. I could do everything else. I might puke, but I prolly could. I have eaten some weird shit.
2.) If you were not getting enough sex in your relationship, how would you handle it? Would you cheat on your significant other?
Easy, just say "Baby, lets fuck" more. Nope not a cheater.
3.) Would you cheat if you knew you would never be caught? Why or why not?
How about hell no. Because I love my girlfriend with all of my heart.
4.) If you could get rid of any of the late night talk show hosts and replace them with anyone you want, what late night persona would you get rid of and who would you replace them with?
Carson Daily. His show is stupid as fuck. I would replace him with Adam Sandler.
5.) If you could get rid of one day time talk show, which one would you pick and why?
Any of them. Because I hate daytime talk shows.
6.) Where is your favorite places on the body to be kissed? Favorite places to kiss?
Anywhere, and anywhere again.
7.) Do you watch porn? How does your significant other feel about that?
Yea, a little. Especially now that she is out of state. She doesnt mind.
Wednesday Weirdness #18
1. How often do you talk to your siblings?
Meh, I might talk to my sister once a month or so.
2. How well do you deal when given an ultimatum?
Not well at all. I typically get pissed off at that.
3. Have you ever dated someone or had a lover who had an emotional or mental disorder?
Umm.. Yes. I dated a psychopath. Bitch stalked me for like 6 months after that. We only dated for a week.
4. How do you feel about crossdressing?
To each their own. It dont bother me.
5. Have you ever lied about the number of sexual partners you have had to someone? Why?
Nope. Because mine is low, and I dont care.
6. Does your significant other have the same political and religious views that you do? How often do you discuss politics and religion with them?
Im not very political. So we dont discuss that very much. Religious, we are similar. Im an athiest, and she is spiritual.
7. What sport, if any, do you find to be most boring?
Nascar. Im sorry, they may go fast, but nothing but left turns bores the crap outta me.
8. Have you ever honestly peed in the pool?
Yea, when I was little haha. Who didnt?
WW #17
1.) You just bought a snazzy new leather jacket for an awesome price at the local outlet shop. When you got it home you found $2000 (cash) in the jacket's inner pocket. What are you going to do?
I would call the store and ask if anyone has claimed they lost an amount of money to see if it was missing and to check if someone had bought that jacket before and returned it. Possibly give them my contact information if someone came in saying they lost that money so they could contact me. I would not disclose the amount though. Someone might say they lost it and really hadnt.
2.) If you could change or eliminate one wedding tradition, what would it be? What is your favorite wedding tradition?
Umm Churches lol. I dont really have a favorite tradition lol.
3.)If you were on Gilligan’s Island, who would you want to share your hut with? Who would you consider it torture to have to share a hut with?
I would probably enjoy sharing my hut with gilligan. And Mrs Howell or Ginger would annoy the fuck out of me.
4.) Have you ever called your current significant other by another name at any point? What happened?
Umm.. I might have on accident. She probably got upset and hit me or something. But I have never called her an ex's name or anything.
5.) If you were going to be famous under a stage name, what would you pick your stage name to be? Why? What do you want to be famous doing?
Um Long Dong Silver? Hell I dont know lol. I want to be famous for being an integral part of the Hot Rod world.
6.) During sex, do you ever fantasize about someone other than your partner?
Only if we are talking about and fantasizing about someone together.
7.) Which is worse, being in a place that is too loud, or too quiet?
too quiet.
Wednesday Weirdness #16
1. Is there anything hanging from your vehicle's rear view mirror?
2. When you go into the bathroom, do you ever check behind the shower curtain? You know, to make sure no one is miraculously hiding back there.
I have before
3. At what age did your mom or dad give you "the talk" about sex?
Never got one haha.
4. If you could add anything at all to an airplane to make trips more interesting, what would it be and why?
Umm, more interesting? ... Dancing midgets. That would be damn interesting.
5. What is one thing you and your significant other can never seem to agree on?
My awesomeness. I know there is something, but I cant remember.
6. Have you ever walked in on someone else having sex? How did you and the people involved react?
Nope, I dont think so. Everytime someone has had sex around me, its been them starting it while I was there. Like the time I fell asleep at my friends house with his girlfriend using me as a pillow to watch tv, I wake up to her shoulders going into my side becuse they were fucking on me.
7. Everyone hears discussions that they consider boring. What is one topic that can put you to sleep quicker than any other?
Umm.. Politics
Wednesday Weirdness, The Ex Files
1. When your relationships end, are you the instigator of the breakup or the recipient?
Eh, its been both.
2. Do you save things from your ex, or get rid of them? If you save them, how? If you trash them, how?
Eh, I saved stuff, but its always gotten rid of after I move on. I typically burn shit.
3. Describe your favorite ex?
My favorite ex? I guess you mean the ex that I like better than the others. Probably Kaysea, she didnt fuck me over and wasnt a psychopath. I broke up with her because I saw that relationship going nowhere and didnt want to drag it out.
4. Do you consider a friend's ex off limits?
5. Have you ever had sex with an ex? Why?
Yea. Well because it was convenient.
6. If you had a choice between spending the rest of your life with your worst ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend, or your HS Nemisis, who would you choose?
Umm.. HS nemisis.. I dont even know who that was... Oh well there was this one kid... I would gladly take him over that psychopath bitch that I dated.
7. Would you ever create a YouTube video or a website celebrating your exes' flaws?
Haha No. That is pretty childish.
Wednesday Weirdness #14
1. Would you rather be 3 inches taller, or 3 inches shorter than you already are?
Neither? I like how tall I am. I dont wanna be 6'5" since thats not extremely tall, and I dont wanna be 6'11" since thats too tall. 6'8" is fine with me
2. What are 3 words that could never be used to describe you?
Short, well mannered, close minded
3. Have you ever eaten something at the grocery store while you were shopping, prior to buying it? Did you pay for it when you got to the check out line?
I think I did once. And yes I paid for it.
4. If you could have any 3 materialistic things in this world without paying a single cent for any of them, what would they be and why?
My dream house/Garage: becuse I gotta have some place to live and store my cars and they will be expensive, a Mclaren F1: because that is the most expensive car I want, a private jet: Because I really want a private jet.
5. Have you ever fallen asleep or nodded off during sex before?
Nope. I like sex. You cant nod off while having sex with AR lol, it feels too damn good.
6. What are 3 jobs you’d leave your current job for? If you don't have a current job, just list 3 jobs you would like to have.
Courier with paid company vehicle and fuel and cell phone and insurance, Some sort of role working with the Dallas Stars team, Owner of a Performance Parts shop.
7. Do you or have you ever answered the phone during sex?
Nope, sure as hell havent done that and never will. I dont even hear my phone going off when AR and I are fucking.
Fuck, I missed a lot of them bastard questions haha. but I caught up. Today was my day off. I slept and then Took an engine to a buddy of mine who wanted to buy it. Hung out at the body shop he works at with him and a couple more friends who showed up and then went and ate with them and came home. While we were there he fixed me up a paint sample for what Im going for with the Iroc. It looks perty. Now I just have to paint something with it and see how it looks. I think it needs to be darker. I dunno. Well I gotta work tomorrow at 11, so Im gonna take my ass to the shower and try to get some good sleep.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Holy crap, I didnt realize it had been this long
Well, I have been away for over a month. Well just absent from my blog. I finally got a job. I work for a Car Dealership selling cars. I spend roughly 50-70 hours a week at work. I typically work 12 hours a day, 5-6 days a week. So I have had a good reason to be gone. Im looking for a new job though. I hate this place. I could make good money making cars. But... Its a crappy dealership with no traffic. No salesman sells over 10 cars a month. Most dont even make the 8 they ask us to sell. I will never make really good money there. I know I cant put up with that place much longer. I hate the owner and my direct manager. They are ass fucks. I have made some ok money. Nothing special compared to what Im used to making at other jobs. I would rather work less and make the same about of money. They just implemented a strict dress code today. we were fine wearing polo shirts, khaki or black pants or shorts, and regular shoes. I wear a polo, khaki pants, and my black DC's. But now we have to wear a company polo, some kind of slacks, and dress shoes, or if no work polo, a long sleeve button up and tie. Unfortunately, They cant order works shirts in my size. I need a 4 x or a 3xT for the length.
Update: I started that post like 4 days ago. So yea, I had them order me a 3x to see if it will work. It will take 3 weeks to get here. Yay...I so wont work there then I hope. Im looking for new jobs right now. I just kinda hit a stalemate with all the job search places. Im looking on craigslist, Indeed, CareerBuilder. I hate monster, but I think im gonna go hop over on there and see what they have.
So... My life just clicked for me a few days ago. (backstory) I graduated HS and went immediately into a Technical College for automotive technology. I decided that I loved working on cars when I was in AutoTech in HS. I was going to be a mechanic and save up and open my own performance shop with a speed parts shop. You come buy my parts and Ill put them on and such. It was The DREAM for me. I was going to do full custom work as well. Swap new engines into old cars and what not. I was so happy about that. Its everything that I wanted. Perfection to me. Well... After I graduated from the technical college, I got a job as a mobile fleet technician. I worked there and loved it. Didnt even realize when I worked a 16 hour day. It was pure enjoyment. Working on cars was my Niche. I was at home.
Well.. I had a stroke at work one day after being there only 2 months. I lost 20% of the vision in my left peripheral vision. And add to that, I am now on blood thinners for the rest of my life. I cant work on cars anymore. Well professionally anyways. Im taking a risk doing it at home on my own cars. If I cut myself open bad enough, I wont stop bleeding. So I pushed that shop Idea out of my mind.
I dont like working for someone, I want to be my own boss. I want to make the rules and everything. So Im sure some of you know that I have had ideas about opeing a bar or something and other different businesses. Well those are all gone now. One of the Techs that works at the dealership is currently going to the technical college that I went to. He asked if I got my associates from them, and back then they didnt offer an associates program. Just a Certificate. I got 59.5 credit hours from that course. He informed me that they are now letting former students come back and get their associates. So I am going to be doing that as soon as I get all of the information and can do it.
AR asked me What I was going to do with that degree. I told her that I didnt know. And I didnt know which worried me. I still didnt know what I was going to do with my life. I have been thinking of what I can go back to school for and nothing really sparks my interest. It hit me the next day. I remembered my idea to open the performance shop. The main thing I remembered was the Speed parts shop. I can still do that. And I would love it. It has a chance to be profitable. I am so connected in the DFW car club scene, that I could get plenty of people in to buy. So instead of doing the installs myself, I would make a deal with other installers to install my customers parts. I send them customers if they give them a discount on labor. And then if they get customers that want things, they can buy their parts from me at a discounted rate. Its perfect in my mind. I already know of a transmission/driveline guy that would be down for that. It seems like this could work. Which makes me happy. Its not an idea that would make me rich or anything like my previous ideas. But... It will make a decent living and I would be happy. I love cars. So I will be going to college again after I finish my automotive associates degree for a bachelors in business administration. That should give me the credentials to apply for a loan. Everything makes sense now. Im happy!!!
AR is still out in CA, and Im trying to get one of us to the other one so we can see each other. Its been almost 2 months. I miss her terribly. I just gotta get some money together to be able to do that. We get to talk a little more now, but that is because i have gotten used to my schedule. But its still not enough. I wants her back home. Plain and simple.
Well I am gonna head out. Trying to get a friends daughters birthday thing set up. I dont wanna do it on sunday, so I talked him into doing it tonight. So yea haha. Ill prolly catch up on WW and Some TMI tonight. So expect a long ass post with nothing but those tonight. Hopefully anyways.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Yep, I dont blog much. TMI+WW
Well, its been a bit since I blogged. Almost 10 days actually. I have been busy trying to get a job. I miss AR terribly. It sucks without her here. I went grocery shopping the other night and was kind of lost. She usually knows what to get and I dont. Sigh. But I'm doing as Ok as I can be without her here.
I have been having crap luck finding a job still. I found one ad today that was gone 4 hours after they posted it. Kinda made me sad. It was a parts/service cashier at a Car dealership close to here that I know. But I think I am gonna try my hand at selling cars. I know its all commission most of the time, but I have found a couple of places that are doing paid training and sign on bonus stuff. So I will see how it goes. Who knows? But thats most of the new for me.
My friend and I are trying to get a website up and going for a publication that we are working on that deals with our vehicles. He has these big ideas of grandeur right now so I have to kinda knock them back down a little and keep him on track. Which is the main reason why he got me involved. I am another mind that thinks of things in a different way than he does while still following the same path. It could turn out to be a great venture. I am helping him with the website design right now. We almost have everything to a point that is ready to launch. I am most likely going to be his right hand man with most of everything. We just need to get everything to a point where we are ready to launch. Still a couple of bugs to work out, but its getting there.
I have seen Dark Knight twice now. It is a completely bad ass movie. Possibly one of the best movies ever made honestly. I shall have a review up on my Review Blog here in a little bit.
Well thats about everything with me so now onto TMI and WW. Geeze I gotta keep up on these things. AR made sure to tell me to play TMI this week since it is the farting questions. Perfect for me!
TMI Tuesday
1. Are your farts;
a. Silent but deadly
b. All sound, no fury
c. Loud and stinky
D. ALL OF THE ABOVE. Its a mixture with me. :)
2. Have you ever farted in front of a lover? Who was the 1st one to do it? How did they or you handle it.
I fart in front of everyone. I was that kid that farted in school and started cracking up and claimed it when everyone was gagging. Yes, I have farted in front of girlfriends. Like I said, I fart whenever I need to haha. I was the first one to do it with AR. She didnt react too badly, unless it stank.
3. Have you ever farted and tried to blame someone else? Who and did you get away with it?
For fun, yes I have. And I dont remember who, but yea, Ive gotten away with it. Usually, I claim them proudly. Ask AR.
4. What food triggers you?
Garlic is my main trigger. But any spicy food will make me stink up a house. Dont let me eat popeyes spicy chicken strips and then let me hang around for a few hours. I will clear your house out. That is a promise. Ask AR.
5. Varts (Vaginal Farts) Scary, or an indication of a good time being had by all?
Umm... I have only had that happen once with an ex. Yea, I stopped doing what I was doing. Not scary, more like disturbing. It has never happened with AR. I am happy about that.
Bonus (as in optional): When you do fart with someone in your bed, do you cover their head with the sheet and hold them under? Oh god, hahahah. AR has given me permission to tell the story. I dont hold her head under the covers any more. I gave her a dutch oven one time just messing with her. I farted really loudly and didnt think it would stink. She started gagging and I pulled the covers back and started gagging as well. Nope, I wont put her through that anymore. My regular fart stink is bad enough for her.
TMI from last week
1. What were you known as in HS (Jock, Princess, Geek)
I think the term was banger(Headbanger) which is pretty much what metal kids are now.
2. What were you really?
Exactly that. I was a metal kid.
3. If you could go back and tell your 16 year old self one thing, what would it be?
Umm, dont start smoking dumb ass.
4. If you could erase one moment from your school days what would it be?
I would erase blowing out my back during weight training my freshman year. I still have back pain from that. Dumb fuck coach let me fall instead of spotting me like he should have. My knees gave out and my feet stayed planted on the floor while my ass hit the floor. Not good for the lower back.
5. Who did you not date (or more) that you wish you did?Meh, back then, the answer would have been a couple of girls. But now, the answer is none. Im perfectly happy with how my life went.
Bonus (as in optional): If you went to prom, describe your outfit. Yea, I went to both Jr and Seinor proms. Pictures would just be better. I have some from both.
Sorry, No one wants to see my ugly mug. Haha.
Jr Prom:Black and Gunmetal Gray
Sr Prom:All blacked out.
Ok So theres that.
Now for Wednesday Weirdness!!
Wednesday Weirdness #13
1.) What material is your favorite for bed sheets?
Egyptian Cotton
2.) How often do you masturbate?
Eh, not that much. Couple times a week.
3.) What takes you the longest to do while showering? (IE shaving, washing hair, etc)
Used to be washing my hair, but since I cut it all off, washing my body.
4.) What do you think is the right amount of foreplay? Do you spend enough time readying your partner for sex?
It depends on the particular situation. Sometimes more is needed that other times. I think I do.
5.) Who tends to initiate sex more when you are in a relationship?
This relationship, AR. Hardcore. She has the sex drive of a Nympho. Well, She is actually.
6.) What birth control do you use?
7.) What is one thing your partner could do in bed that would instantly turn you off?
Answering a phone call or text message.
Im only going to do this weeks, I dont really feel like doing the 2 I missed. Sorry.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Well hello there everyone
So AR has been gone for almost a week. I miss her like fucking crazy. I have been pretty bored without her. When you are around someone all the time for most of your relationship, you get very used to seeing them. And with her gone, I dont really know what the hell Im doing with myself. Im sad and lonely. And I dont really have fun when I go out, and even eating makes me sad. I went out last night to the pool hall with some friends. Didnt have fun there. And I drove 2 of them so we stopped to get food at the taco bell here in town. And out of instinct, I pulled into the parking spot that AR and I always pull into to eat when we go. I ordered a double decker taco, and 2 cheesy double beef burritos. I only at the taco and one of the burritos. I got sad when I was sitting there and she wasnt. I couldnt finish my food. Yea, Im pathetic. But its how I am.
So I have got 3 reviews up over at my review site. One for Wanted, Hancock, and Hellboy II. It will get there with more. So go give it a looksee if you are interested.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Movie Reviews
Well I said I was going to review my 2 recently watched movies on here, but I am not. I still will, but not here. I created a new blog. I will do movie reviews, restaurant and just general reviews of different places and things I come across and try. Please feel free to pimp it if you like it or add it to your blogroll. Here it is. Go check it out please and thank you?
So its been a while and WW
So Ive been MIA for a little while. After my birthday celebration, AR and I went down to her Mom's house and hung out up until the 8th. She posted about our fireworks adventure and what not and all the drama involved with the 4th and the rest of the weekend fun over at her blog. We spent the rest of the time packing and hanging out. So they had some movers planned to come down and pack everything into the U-Haul truck on Monday at 8am. They called at 8 and said they were about an hour away and had some stuff to do in that city. Then called around 10 to say they were broke down in that city and to give them 2 hours. So after they quit returning phone calls and what not, we decided to get started. AR's dad paid myself and her cousin to pack the truck up. I will not be going into the moving business anytime soon. We finally finished around 10pm. I was dead tired and stank to high hell. And we stayed in AR's aunts house for the night and everyone left the next morning. I hated seeing her go. I love that girl so much. I at least got to have her in the car for 2 hours while we drove to the point where I would split off from them to head home. We will be ok though. She may be states away, but we will ge good. Everything will be better for her out there. About the only reason she wouldnt go is because she would miss me and I would miss her. We know we can do long distance, so she needed to go. Its all goood.
So I have figured out that I am probably going to be seeing a lot of movies while she is gone. She feels bad that I have to go by myself, but I dont mind it honestly. I dont feel like a loser lol. And its cheaper than going out with friends or getting food. So why the hell not? I will probably be doing some posting about my thoughts on the movies that I see. Pretty much a review. So dont be annoyed lol. I think I have pretty good taste in movies for the most part. I love action movies and comedies and some drama suspense. I hate horror movies because all I do is pick them apart and laugh when someone dies. So after this post I will have my review of the movie I saw tonight and the one I saw with AR last week.
So I havent mentioned that I am a Diablo II nerd. I love that game. I may not be the best at it, but Im pretty decent. Im still working on fine tuning things, but I can hold my own. I have been playing since I was in HS, and have lost 2-3 accounts due to inactivity. I have been playing on this particular account since early 2007. So anyways, enough about my D2. Blizzard has announced that Diablo 3 will be made. Check out the link back there and watch the gameplay video. It is such an improvement. Destructible environments!! Woot!! Check it out if you are a nerd like me. Im waiting for the announcement of all of the characters and a release date. It will probably be monthly pay which I hate, but since I love the game, I will probably pay it. So check it out, It will tell you more than I can right now if you are interested.
Now for WW from the past 2 weeks
Wednesday Weirdness #10
1. Do you ever do your own fireworks show in celebration of the 4th of July? Do you go watch a display somewhere else? How do you celebrate?Most of the time I buy my own "Why not celebrate the Independence of America by blowing up a little piece of it?" We got 600 dollars of fireworks this year. Lasted 2.5 hrs. Hell yea. CL got attacked by an artillery shell. I like watching too, but making stuff blow up is more fun.
2. Do you ever buy extra fireworks while you can to stockpile and have extras packed away for whenever you feel like using them? I used to, but I dont need to now. I dont like being the little punk that shoots off fireworks and annoys people in the middle of the night lol.
3. Would you ever get anything below the waist pierced?
Eh, I thought about it, but having to soak my junk in salt water and the possibility of it tearing.. no.
4. Would you ever join the military?
Probably not. I respect those that do it, but its not the life for me.
5. What is your favorite kind of cheese?
Pepper Jack, Swiss, Gouda, Parmesan, Romano, mozzarella, provolone, Muenster, cheddar its easier to ask what I dont like. lol I hate the really soft cheeses. Yuck.
6. What are three things are you terrible at?
Singing, being on time, and drawing
7. Do you always wash your hands after you use the restroom? 90% of the time I do. I hate not to. I will try to find something to clean them off if I cant. I dont like being unable to do it. Ick.
Now for the most recent one:
Wednesday Weirdness #11: Five Things.
Five answers for each question.
Feel free to explain any answers you give. No need to limit yourself to one worded responses. Unless you want to then that is fine too. :)
Five things you always have in your refrigerator:
4.)Water Pitcher(I hate drinking tap water unless its straight from the fridge)
5.)Grape Jelly
Five actresses/actors that you think are over-rated:
1.)Will Ferrel(I absolutely despise him. He is not funny and cannot act. He needs to dissapear)
2.)Vin Diesel
3.)That fucking fat kid Johna from Super Bad and Knocked up. I hate that kid.
4.)John Heder(I want back the time from my life for having to see Napolean Dynamite and Blades of Glory{couldnt help but have to watch that, everyone but me and AR wanted to see it})
5.)Jennifer Aniston
Five things around the house that you hate doing:
1.)Washing Dishes(That is my most hated chore)
2.)Mowing the lawn
3.)Taking out the trash
4.)Dusting(have horrible allergies and it needs to be done, but I cant breathe for a long while after finishing)
5.)Washing Dishes(yes I hate it that much, I would rather sweep and mop the whole house and clean toilets and showers instead of that)
Five of your favorite movies:
1.)Boondock Saints is Number 1 all time favorite movie
2.)Tombstone is a bad ass movie
3.)Gone in 60 seconds
4.)300(Frank Miller is a genius)
5.)Happy Gilmore( I could go on forever with movies that I love)
Five businesses/stores (IE Circuit City, Kohls, Hollister, Bed, Bath and Beyond, Home Depot, etc) you would love to win a $2,000 gift card to:
1.)Best Buy
2.)Summit Racing
4.)Circuit City
Im a car nut haha. I cant help it. That would buy lots of stuff for my car lol.
Ok ill get to the reviews in a minute, I gotta go to the bathroom and smoke before hand.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Yea, I suck at blogging lol.
So, I really do suck at this whole updating thing. Im gonna be going back and editing some things out of my blog due to certain reasons. Anyways lol.
My birthday was Sunday. So we decided to celebrate on Saturday. Check out AR's blog to get a recap of what happened. She did a great job of telling what happened lol. I had a great night. Thanks to the several of you who wished me a happy birthday!
So yea, I have been neglecting my computer lol. Pretty much Ive just been hanging out and trying to spend as much time with AR as possible. Which is going to mean that Im not gonna be here for the next week or so lol. We are taking off tomorrow to spend time at her moms. So I will be MIA til then.
Wow, I suck at the update thing. I really have nothing else to say. Im boring sometimes, I know. Oh yea, Ive been kinda sick to my stomach here lately. It has been really bothering me. I dont understand why Im constantly sick to my stomach. So yea, It sucks. Bleh, Ok Im done.
Since I missed Wednesday Weirdness last week, Ill go ahead and get it up.
WW #9 Wont you Come join our weirdness?
1.) If you could pick how you would die, how would you choose your death to happen?In my sleep.
2.) If you could rid the world entirely of one disease and one disease only, forever, which would you choose and why? Cancer.
3.) How adventurous would you say you are when it comes to trying new things in bed with your partner?Eh, prolly an 8 or so. Im willing to try shit, but Im not super kinky or anything.
4.) What is something sexual that you would absolutely, with no amount of persuasion, ever be willing to do?Letting anyone shit on me or shitting on anyone. Oh and that whole golden shower thing. Nope never.
5.) What kind of laundry detergent do you use?Fuck umm... All and woolite dark.
6.)When listening to music, about how loud do you prefer the music you're listening to to be?Eh, If Im just listening to music by myself, I like it loud. Other than that, I usually just have it medium to low so I can talk to whoever Im with.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
AR's Birthday
Im gonna keep this post on top for a while. But Please scroll down to see My WW and TMI post.
I will post a quick summary at the bottom of this post so those of you who do not wish to read it all can get the gist of what we did. If you do read all of this, I owe you a cookie. Seriously haha.
So as many of you know, AR's Birthday was on Sunday. So since it was fathers day and sunday, we celebrated on friday. Had a blast.
First thing we went and had dinner with my mom and CL who is pretty much an adopted brother. I have a key to his house lol. He is my only friend who my mom has a picture of in the house haha. We had Chili's. It was good stuff. I had a turkey sandwich since im trying to eat a little bit more healthy sometimes now. Had a pretty fuckin awesome waiter too. My drink seriously never got empty before I had a refill. We tipped him pretty good. We invited my mom since she absolutely loves AR. She has told me that if things ever go south with us, that I just have to deal with the fact that she will still be around. Haha. I dont think things will ever go south with us haha. Or so I hope.
So we had planned on going to our favorite Pool Hall with all of our friends around 10. We called several people and invited them, some we couldnt get ahold of. Chevelle and Snakebites couldnt come, we couldnt get ahold of Slim and his gf, some of AR's friends that were not mutual could not make it as well. They had good reasons, but unable to make it. We invited Foghat and Road-E to be nice. Im not on the best terms with Fh, but he would be pissy and more annoying if he found out about it later. So they came, along with LoudGirl, CL, and AR's friend Mac. Not as many as we had hoped, but it was a good night.
FH and R-E showed up around 10:45-11 because FH is late wherever he goes. He used to show up to work 2 hours late and say "they need me so they wont fire me" but anyways. FH made up for it though, by buying AR the new Opeth CD. We all had a good night. I drove AR, CL, LG and myself out there. So I only had 2 drinks and a jello shot. Mac showed up around 10:15-10:30. As soon as we got there, AR and CL started drinking. LG is only 19 or 20, so she couldnt drink. After that the alcohol started flowing. CL bought the bulk of AR's drinks. I actually only had to buy her 2 or 3. Mac was the one big pimpin that night. One of the first things he said was "who likes tequila?" We all jumped on that right away. We all drink tequila haha. So he orders a round of Patron for the 4 of us that could drink. LG had to run away because she loves Patron. He ended up buying several rounds of patron that night. AR was drinking rum and cokes mostly. She ended up having a Kamikazee or 2 and a Royal Fuck and 3 shots of Goldschlagger. Mac had to work the next morning and took off early. It was my first time meeting him and I thought he was a pretty cool guy. Weird but cool. We were gonna buy some of the $1 jello shots and give them to LG so she could take in the bathroom but the bartender kinda knew what might happen so we had to take them at the bar. So AR had 3 of them Haha. All in all, we counted nearly 30 drinks that AR had in a time span of nearly 3 1/2 hours. She was gone before we even thought of leaving. Oh she had a great night.
We all decided to head out and go to Whataburger for some food since everyone was hungry. On the way home CL started getting really sick. He hadnt planned on drinking, and left his car at my house. We knew it would be ok so we took him home on the way there. He had one hell of a hang over the next day. So the last of us went to Whataburger and chowed down and then everyone went their respective ways. We took LG home and then before going home AR decided she wanted a cookie. So we went to Kroger to get her a cookie. Instead we found their "Baby Cakes" It is about a 5" round 4" tall cake. It only cut into 1/4's. She wanted to be cheap and just get 2 cup cakes. So I got the baby cake after she found a chocolate one. And I got her some Batman reeses. Too bad they didnt have the dark chocolate ones. They would have been perfect. So we came home and AR is of course still drunk haha. So she takes shower and we go to bed. She even turned down sex. Yes you heard me right. SHE turned SEX down. That is correct. She was so drunk that it might have ended messy. We went to bed and slept really good.
Saturday, we wake up and I have a car club meeting to go to. AR comes with. It starts at 3 and we are just a little late. Only stay til around 5:40 because I am taking AR out to dinner at 6. She gets really annoyed with many of the people there. I dont care for many of them anyways. But I do like a handful of them so thats why I still go. She is however warming up to one of them since him and his bitch wife are getting divorced. He is less annoying. She was still drunk by time we left. I had to go find some coffee for her so she could try to shake it. It didnt work lol. The coffee was old and burnt.
So after that we went to Fuddruckers and ate since I had never been there and she likes the place. I had a pretty damn good meal. 1/2 lb Triple cheese burger with cheese wedges. Added some nacho cheese on top them. That was good. I know, Im going to die from cheese one of these days. But I love it so. Haha. We left there and came home. AR had another book that she had finished reading and I had started it as well, so I ended up finishing it that night. It was a pretty interesting read. Its called Candy Girl by Diablo Cody. It was a good read.
So since it was late and we wanted to get back out, we decided to go eat at IHOP. Spent a couple hours there chatting and eating. I love sitting down in a restaurant to eat. Especially when you can still smoke in one. I kinda chain smoke in there, but Its nice and relaxing. So we came home and took showers. I decided that while I showered, I would shave my nether regions bare for AR for a half ass birthday present. I dont shave very often. I usually just trim, but Im lazy about it. So I decided to take a razor to it. We got in bed and I showed AR her present. She enjoyed it haha. As well as I. I made her cum 5 times. She couldnt walk around haha.
Sunday, we went to her Mom's house. Her mom made a cheese fondue thing, steak, baked potatoes, baked beans, chicken skewers, sausage skewers, and a bad ass triple threat chocolate cake. I had a picture of her with all the candles lit, but it got deleted somehow. That sucks though. We spent the whole day down there with her family. They got her a lot of presents. We were fairly surprised. Ill let her list out what she got if she wants to, but go her. We left late that night(aka the next morning) for home. She had a really good day. I am glad she ended up having a pretty fucking awesome Bday this year.
Friday: We ate dinner with my mom and CL. Went to pool hall with other friends. AR got smashed. She had almost 30 drinks. Ate whataburger, came home AR turns down sex.
Saturday: We went to my car club meeting. AR was still drunk from the night before. Left car club meeting early to go to dinner at 6 at Fuddruckers. Ate good food there. Went home, read, hung out. Went to IHOP later that night, came home, showered. I shaved my nether regions, we had awesome sex. Made AR cum 5 times. We slept good.
Sunday:Went to AR's Mom's. Ate a great meal prepared by her mom. Hung out with her family. AR cleaned up on the presents. Enjoyed our time with her family. Had a pretty fucking awesome birthday.
Sorry if the condensed version is too short and doesnt have enough, but I can only keep it way too short, or way too long. I prefer the long version. If you didnt get enough out of that, please check out the whole post.
WW and TMI
Im always perpertually late with these, but Oh well.
Wednesday Weirdness Come join in on the weirdness!
1. Have you ever ridden in a stolen car? What would you do if, in the middle of going somewhere, found out that the driver had stolen the car you were riding in?Never been in a stolen car that I know of. I would tell them to pull the fuck over right then and there and let me out. Ive got a phone, someone would come get me.
2. What is the most amount of money you've spent in a sex shop or porn store at one time? If you've never been to a porn store or sex shop, why?
Its between 50-100 dollars Im sure.
3. What is the most annoying thing about one of your closest friends?
How cocky he is and how much of a jerk he can be.
4. Have you ever taken someone's prescription medication with or without them knowing and used it for recreational purposes?
Yea, I did once.
5. What is at least one thing you are you insecure about?
The way I look, and my abilities to do anything.
6. What are some things that you prefer to do alone?
I dont know honestly.. I know, thinking. When I need to think about something and concentrate, I prefer to be alone.
7. How would you react if you found out the anonymous babe who writes all your favorite sexy posts on her blog is really your mother?
Hmm.. Im guessing that would freak me out and I would never return to my blog.
TMI Tuesday Why dont you overshare with us?
1. What's your favorite color of lingerie?Black and Dark colors.
2. Do you have a porn collection?Nope. I used to. Was gonna enter it at QuakeCon once, but then I saw guys running up with spools of cd's with nothing but porn. I only had half a spool.
3. Do you have any fetishes?I dont think so.
4. What is your favorite place to have sex?Sex is great anywhere.
5. Do you like to scratch, bite, pull hair, etc? Do you like having it done to you?
I like doing all of that. I like having it done as well.
Bonus (as in optional): Do you think the number of sexual partners you've had is below average, average, or above average, and how does that make you feel? I think its below average. It makes me feel really inexperienced honestly.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Ive been a bad bad blogger and TMI + WW
So, I have neglected my blog for about a week and a half haha. Its probably going to be a regular thing for me. I recently have found out that I dont get online much anymore. Ill still try to post as regularly as I can, but expect me to usually post around wednesday/thursday to do TMI and WW. Ill do updates and what not when I post.
So we had a long weekend and spent it at AR's mom's house. We went down there on Saturday, and just got back this morning about 6am. It was a nice time. We had fun, got to spend a lot of time with her family.
I got some emails and stuff out about job's last week and got 2 reply's and got my resume's sent off to them. Hopefully something comes out of them. I got the 2nd one sent out this morning after we got back.
My sister showed up today to tell me that our cat of 10 years is really sick. I have seen him maybe 3 times since she moved out and took him with her. She loves him. So she was crying. She woke me up today to tell me. He has a urinary tract infection. We had our first cat die of something similar. Except his was kinda like kidney stones. Im gonna try to find a picture of him around here somewhere, but his name is Tank. He is bigger than a small dog. Id say he is about as big as a beagle. He is a punk ass. But he is pretty cool. Im not a big cat person, but my sister is. So we got Tank after our first cat Died in July of 98. We decided his birthday is the 4th of July. So he is close enough to 10 years old. I just got an update from my mom. She informed me that it is indeed a urinary tract infection. He was peeing blood and threw up a little blood. He is going to be at the Vet's for a few days. Probably through the weekend. They have a cathater in him. So Im not as worried now. He can kick this.
Damn, Im hungry. AR is cooking dinner right now. She cooks so damn awesome! haha. I cant wait for it to be done. Ok, well thats all of the update I think I have, so time for TMI and 2 weeks worth of WW. haha.
TMI Tuesday come on over and share with us.
1. If you're in love with your partner, does it make the sex better?
Yes, Yes it does. AR and I have the best sex I have ever had.
2. What is the most expensive sex toy you've ever purchased?
I think it was a 20 Vibrator for AR haha. Nothing fancy
3. If you knew ahead of time you would not have an orgasm, would you still have sex?
Um yea... Sex is still awesome!
4. What celebrity would you most like to have sex with if given the chance?
No way would I ever have sex with someone else while Im with AR, but back before I was with AR.. The old answer would have been Jessica Alba. She was hot before she went all eating disorder. Now... I dont know. Eva Mendes. There is is haha.
5. Have you ever had sex while an audience watched?
I have had sex in front of up to 2 people before. Never with AR though. We havent gotten the chance lol.
Bonus (as in optional): Describe the best sexual encounter you've ever had.
Hell, I cant pick out a specific one. But it had to be one of the ones with AR where we were both are talking goofy and not actually saying words lol. Pretty much when we fuck each other stupid haha. Its awesome.
Wednesday Weirdness Now go play with us.
This is gonna be WW from last week.
1. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A computer technician or a scientist.
2. Do you put ketchup on top of your french fries or on the side to dip in? If you don't use ketchup, what do you use? If you don't eat french fries, what's wrong with you? (Ok so that last one is just a joke. Kind of. *wink*)
I can do both honestly. If I put it on top I will try to use a fork. I have a big mouth so Fries work with forks for me.
3. When was the last time you had phone sex? If you've never done it, why?
I cant remember haha. The last time AR and I were apart lol.
4. When was the last time you made someone cry? What did you do to make them cry?
I dont remember when the last time was, but it was AR and we were having a stupid argument.
5. How often do you sing in the shower?
Very Rarely
6. Have you ever cooked dinner or any other meal naked? If not, would you?
I have not. And yes, maybe I would. Hopefully its nothing with grease to pop lol.
And this is the most recent WW
1.) Do you have anything planned for your father for Father's Day? If so, what?
haha... No. That bastard son of a bitch ran off when I was 3. He never called or even acknowledges that Im alive, so fuck him. I know what I would do if I saw him on fathers day. I would punch him right in his damn face. Bastard ass mother fucker.(Im just a little bitter right?)
2.) If you could visit anywhere in the world with all your expenses paid for each trip, where would you go? Um right now some where nice. Hm... Ireland or something over there. It wont be as hot here.
3.) What are a few things you have done that you previously said you would never do?
Smoking. Drinking, and some drugs. When I was about 5, I got one of my moms cigarettes, and was pretending to smoke it, it made me throw up. And now look at me, just like a freight train. Haha.
4.) How do you react to the bodily functions (passing gas, burping, etc) of your significant other?
Haha, I applaud AR when she belches and its really loud. I have only heard her fart once and she happened to be asleep. I was like "wtf was that... Oh holy hell, she farted! I knew it!!! haha."
5.) What are you allergic to?
Sulfa drugs, and pet dander. Im prolly allergic to more shit, since I have horrible allergies all year round.
6.) If you could go back in time and meet any passed historical figure, who would you choose and why?
Hmm... Historical... Umm either Albert Einstein, Abe Lincoln, or JFK.
7.) Honestly, how often do you check up on any of your exes?
Friday, May 30, 2008
Update on me and TMI + WW
So Im sure some of you have noticed I only post about once a week. I guess I burned myself out really quick by posting every day. So I have been just lurking and leaving comments here and there. But I havent been on the computer much. I was reading a book "Edge of Battle" by Dale Brown. Its a military style book with Mechanized Robots. It is a sequel to another book "Act of War" I like Dale Brown's writing. Im not much for military stuff, but I like how he does it. Those are the only 2 books that I have by him, but I plan to get more.
I have been having issue's with my Mazda3. Im sure I posted somewhere about it being wrecked in December. I now have a leak that lets rain in and it pools in the back floor board. I cant keep it dry. And now my radio has stopped working. Wont even come on. So I have to get it to another Geico guaranteed repair shop around here. My sleep schedule is fucked right now. I tried fixing it, but just quit waking up. So I havent gone. That and I need to make sure that I have a rental. My other vehicle gets horrible gas mileage, so I cant really use it without doing some major repairs. Yes, I have been lazy as well. I am going to get it in the shop tomorrow. Speaking of, I need to get to bed soon. I did the TMI and WW first. Maybe after I fix my damn sleep schedule, I will post more than once a week.
OH! So you can go read AR's blog to hear about how our 2nd Anniversary went. We had fun. She never posted a link or picture of the ring I got her. So I will do it here. Claddagh Jewlers
They are based in Ireland. Go check them out and read up on what the ring means.
Ok, Im off here. Enjoy TMI, and WW!
TMI Tuesday!
I know im late, but hey, at least im doing it.
1. What lines have you used to let someone down gently.
I have only told the truth. "I dont see this relationship going anywhere, so I think we should be done"
2. If I gave you $10K to waste, what would you buy.
10k? hmm. I wouuld have my Camaro Painted and buy car parts, maybe more care parts for my Trans Am.
3. If I gave you $10K, but you had to spend it all on someone else, what would you buy.
I would buy 2 cars. One for AR and the other for my mom.
4. If your partner brought a double dildo to bed, you'd be ____________?
Asking which girl is joining her
5. What sounds to you make during sex.
Good ones. Its usually just moans and groans, "yea's" "oh god's" and stuff like that
Bonus (as in optional): Tell your worst break up story.
My worst break up story... I went to visit an ex in Ohio for 3 days, I get back home, and she wont talk to me. I call, no answer. No reply to texts, nothing. I call and some dude answers the phone and tells me she doesnt want to talk to me. So Im getting pissed. 3 days this shit goes on. She wont talk to me. She finally is texting with me and tells me that its over. Yay...
Wednesday Weirdness #5
Note, WW will have its own blog this next week. Its over on my blogroll, so be sure to add it and update it from MG's blog.
On the following questions, use a scale of 0 (being the worst) to 10 (being the best) to rate the things the questions ask about. Also explain why you gave yourself the rating you did. If you cannot use a scale to rate or do not want to, just explain without the numeric rating.
1.) How would you rate your own personal hygiene?
7. Sometimes I go 2-3 days without showering. Yea, thats bad, but if I dont do anything, then I dont usually feel the need to. Im getting better.
2.) How would you rate your ability to keep a secret?
9 When it comes to serious stuff, My lips are entirely sealed. If its with AR and hiding a present Im going to give her, then I let things slip sometimes.
3.) How would you rate your cooking skills?
8. I can cook. I dont normally. I can bake like a motherfucker though. I usually dont cook because AR is so much better than me at it.
4.) How would you rate your level of laziness?
5. Im lazy. I hate it sometimes. AR hates it most of the time. I procrastinate. I have been in a funk for the past 6 months. Im hoping to change that soon.
5.) How would you rate your level of insecurity?
Well, Im going to say a 3 on that. Im pretty damn insecure. Im always having to validate that Im doing things right and make sure everything is ok. Sigh
Friday, May 23, 2008
Late Wednesday Weirdness
I know its late, but at least Im doing it! Enjoy.
Want to play along?? Get the questions over Here
1. What is the worst part about going down on the opposite sex?
If its smelly, or hairy, thats just gross. Oh and if the girl is loose, thats nasty too. With AR, its the fact that she wont let me keep going because its too much lol.
2. What is something you want more of in your current relationship? To understand each other better.
3. What is something you want less of in your current relationship?Confusion.
4. Have you ever had a sex dream that involved a cartoon or fictional character in it?
No lol. I did have a dream about a big purple octopus that lived in a sunken ship that chased me around under water. Nothing sexual haha.
5. Have you ever fantasized about a significant other's parent? That would be a big NO. Haha.
6. Where is the most public place you've ever masturbated?
Well, at one of my old jobs, AR was sending pictures to my phone, I was in the bathroom though, so more public than that would be driving down the highway.
7b. GUYS: If a girl expressed her desire for you to wear a pair of her panties, what would your reaction be? You want me to do WHAT?!!?? Umm no..
8. How much is "too much" when it comes to Public Displays of Affection?
So many have said what I would. Keep it G rated in front of children, but in a bar or something, do what you will haha.
Monday, May 19, 2008
TMI Tuesday
TMI Tuesday
1. How many credit cards do you own? Are they paid off?
0! Go me!!
2. Can you be in love with someone you don't trust?
Honestly, I think you can, but it would be an issue.
3. Should prostitution be legal?
I dont think so. I dont think you should make it easier for girls to degrade themselves for money. If you make it legal, there will be more women that will go out and do it. Then the streets will be full of the "cracked out" nasty looking women trying to pick up a John. I know that they already do it to themselves, and that it is degrading like strippers. But there is so much more intimacy involved by fucking someone. A stripper doesnt fuck their customers(normally), so its a different level. Women will do it to make some major bucks, so I just say that we dont need to make it easier for them to do. Do you want some cracked out hooker walking up to your car every time you stop in traffic or at a red light? I dont either. Because that will open up the flood gates to let those crack whores just run free. They will be out in public where everyone can see them, Strippers are confined to strip clubs. People will degrade themselves no matter what, I just say to not make it easier for them to do it. That would be like making crack or heroin or meth legal. So many more people would do it. I will explain more if asked to. So my answer is no, no and hell no.
4. On a scale of 1-10, how good of a lover do you think you are? (1 is lowest, 10 is highest)
Ill give myself a 7.5 Im good, but not as good as I could be.
5. What are three mistakes someone could make on the first date with you that would automatically make you turn down a second date with them?
1.Tell me that they do drugs. Yes Marijuana is a drug. Im not down with that at all. Pot makes me sick as it it.
2.Answer their phone and carry on a conversation.
3.Flirt with some other dude.
I didnt do the bonus this week. I never really dated much. So I dont have any dates that I can recall.
Awesome yet busy weekend
After a shitty start to the week, The weekend turned out pretty fucking awesome.
I dont think we did anything on thursday. So Friday was a lazy day too. We hung out and I decided to go take AR out to dinner at Texas Roadhouse. She likes steak houses. I love them too haha. I had a 16 oz Sirloin, double mashed potatoes, 5 rolls, 5 potato skins, and a shit load of dr pepper. I was miserable, but It was worth it. I over eat when I am having a delicious meal. I cant help it. Especaily since we dont go to TX Roadhouse very often. It has been over a year since we ate there last. Our waiter was really awesome. My drink never got half empty by the time I had another one. That is the best way to earn my tip. Keep my drinks full and you will walk out with much better than 15% with me. Depending on the bill and if I am working, I tip pretty bad ass. There were times where I would eat somewhere by myself and the bill would be under 10 bucks and I would leave a 5 dollar tip. Ive left 10 dollars for 10-20 bill and sometimes on the smaller bills, I have left 100% tip. So the bill was 42.90 and I left him a 10 dollar tip. 25% is good in my book. Especially since there were a couple tables that we saw leave him little to none. And the table next to us was saying they werent leaving him shit.
We left there and were not ready to go home. Got gas, Called Chevelle and SB to see if they wanted to hang out and plan for Saturday's Stars game. They were gonna go to bed soon, So I called up another friend, Pantera(after the car), to see what he was doing. I needed to get ahold of him anyways and let him know I was not going to make the first part of our Car club BBQ and to see if I could bring him the Charcoal I bought for it. I told the club I would bring it, So Im still gonna do it. Him and a couple other members of our car club were at his girlfriends house helping to prepare for the BBQ. We went over and hung out for a bit. Played mario kart on the wii. That was pretty fun.
So we came home. It had been decided earlier in the night that I would make this cake I have been talking about making for a while. I got the idea, and it sounded delicious. Its like a mix between a dirt cup and a cake. I wont give out the recipe yet, but it is good. I was going to do that as soon as we got home. We stopped at a gas station so I could get smokes and a Dr pepper for AR and she hopped in the drivers seat while I was inside. She felt like driving. So she starts driving home. We get there and she is not ready to go in. We decide to go run my car through a car wash. Then after the car wash, I want to get some of this wax that Pantera uses on his car. It is bad ass. I am going to have to do seperate posts for my car stuff haha. Its called zymol. It made the black on his car like a mirror. So I had to pick some up. Got like 50 bucks in car cleaning supplies. I like for my cars to be pretty and shiny haha.
Came home and ended up staying up til 6 working on this cake. I know it sounds weird, but I love to bake. I will make cakes, pies, cookies, brownies and other deserts. I just love it. The cake turned out bad ass btw. I have a picture of it to post.
On a related subject, this is another cake I made. Lemon Cake with Lemon Frosting. Zested a little lemon on top. Pretty damn good.
So we took that to Chevelles Saturday for the game. We had a BBQ there. Chevelle did all the grilling. Made some awesome black angus burgers. Mhmm. I bought some Bud Select and brought it over and we drank on those and watched the Stars game with him and SB. Foghat came over to partake in the festivities as well. The stars won game 5 2-1 in Detroit! Hell yes! I love it. We were all so fucking happy. Hell yea! So since it was a fucking early ass game, and I didnt want to go to my carclub BBQ, we all just hung out for the rest of the day. We decided to go bowling. I suck at bowling usualy. I got a 101 on the 2nd game. 2 strikes in a row on the 10th frame and 9 pins on the last ball. Helped me greatly haha. I wish I could do that more often lol.
After bowling, we decided to go play putt putt. I am usually king of Putt putt. Foghat tied me for 1st with a 45. I hadnt played in a while, and we were rushed since we had people stacking up behind us. We let one group play through. They people behind us were just as slow, so it wasnt too bad. We played in the arcade for about 10 mins and then decided to go get food. We went to Chili's. The service blew. Our waiter didnt remember our shit, so he got a total of maybe 5 bucks from the 5 of us. Assfuck. After that, we all went home and did the sleep thing. Today, Foghat wanted to go to entertainmart. Its like a movie Trading Company mixed with Cd Warehouse, and Gamestop. He wanted to get rid of a PS3 game he bought and get a new one.
I was trying to check out Gran Turismo 5 Prologue for the PS3, but when you entered a race, it wouldnt drive, so I had no idea. it did have one of the controlers that has a fan and vents on it to keep your hands cool. I will need one of those when I get a PS3. I have decided I want one now. We hopped over to one of the XBOX 360 demos they had and we played on Devil May Cry 4. I officially want that game now. I wasnt interested in the series a long while back, but now I am. It has some bad ass graphics and play value.
After leavcing there, we all hit up On The Border. I love this OTB. Best one I have ever had. One of the best mexican restaurants I have eaten actually. We went to town on their chips and Salsa, I had a beef burrito, AR had Chicken tacos, and FH had 2 enchiladas. We came home, And just relaxed and now here we are.
Sorry I havent been posting as much or talking yall up, but As you can see, I have been a busy boy. Im splitting this up into 3 posts since it is so fucking long. Thank you for reading them all haha!
Shitty Start to the week
So now to update everyone on the recent happenings with me. This is how my week started out.
Last Monday night was game 3 in the Stars Red Wings series. I was going to go hang out with my friend BS(for Bud Select, or Bullshit) at Buffalo Wild Wings and watch the game with him since He Called me and asked if we could watch it together. I don't hang out with him much, so I agreed. Said we would do it for Mondays game since I had plans for the game before hand. It comes up to about an hour or more before the game starts and I text him to make sure he is still going. He says he is. Calls me 20-30 mins before the game stars and tells me that he is helping someone move. Says they are on their way to somewhere and should be done in about an hour and a half. I say cool, he should be back in time for the 2nd period. I go up to BWW and sit there, game starts, I order a beer, watch, wait, watch, phone rings. Its BS calling, Its loud in there so I don't hear it. I check the voicemail, its not BS, its some dumb chick that he was dating but dumped. Telling me that they wont be able to make it because they aren't done. This is halfway through the first period. I call back, the dumb bitch answers and tells me they aren't gonna make it. BS doesn't even talk to me. I hang up, Order another beer and finish the game. BS still hasn't called me. That was almost a week ago.
That annoyed the shit out of me. It would be different if I had invited him and he couldn't make it, but he Invited me. I had somewhere else with other friends to watch the game. So I told them I was gonna go watch with BS instead. Ended up watching by myself with 3 beers. Stars lost 5-2 that night. Real bummer since they were down 0-3 in the series. It made me kinda depressed. I had to stop drinking about 2 mins into the 3rd period. I am a lightweight when it comes to drinking now. I used to be a real heavyweight, but since a. I'm on blood thinners from having a stroke, and b. I don't drink that much, I am such a lightweight. Sucks for me, but I'm a cheap drunk now. I was getting tipsy, so I cut myself off. I had to drive home. I do NOT drink and drive. I think people that do are stupid and I threaten my friends if they try to or tell me they did. Many have been hit for it.
After the game, I came home and was relaxing and started feeling shitty. I don't know if it was the beer or something else, but I went to bed early. 10:30. That's early for me. I slept through the day and off and on throughout the rest of the next day. I felt better on Wed and our friend Slim called. He wanted me to come help him move. He needed my help moving the big shit(mattress set, bed, dresser, furniture, etc)into their new place. After that I went to AR's moms house to watch the game with her and her family. The Stars won, I was extremely happy.
Wednesday Weirdness #3, TMI Tuesday
First off, I gotta catch up on WW and TMI, then I will get to the rest.
Wednesday Weirdness #3
1.) I get angriest at work when a co-worker doesn't do their job and blatantly slacks off. Sometimes, that makes me just want to hurt people. Instead, I tend to ignore it and just do my work. They will get in trouble for it eventually.
2.) (Hypothetical scenario.) I was walking through the supermarket one day and saw a cucumber . I realized that instead of eating it, a better use for it would be a penis for a snowman.
3.) Three things that relax me more than anything are sex , vegging out and laying with AR .
4.) My favorite two things to do with my hands are eat and touch AR . My two least favorite things to do with my hands are wash dishes and cleaning up a disgusting mess.
5.) I always dreamed about owning a business or a house but never have had the money to pay for either of them.
6.) If I were starving and needed to buy something to eat, I would sell my PS2 , TV and CD/DVD Collection at a Pawn Shop to get cash to buy food.
Now for TMI Tuesday
1. Is there a TV show you HAVE to watch? If so, what is it?
I dont have one that I HAVE to watch, but I prefer to catch House.
2. What is you favorite drink if you are going to drink more than one?
Kamikazee most definately
3. How long do you carry guilt around with you?
Most of the time it last for a little while after everything has been resolved
4. Where is or would be your number one romantic get away spot?
A white sandy beach without a lot of people
5. Have you ever seen a counselor?If you mean like a therapist, yes. At one point in time a long while back, I was very depressed. I contemplated suicide, I cut myself, and I even took a whole bunch of pills once. Didnt work. Got sick and threw everything up about 30 minutes later. Didnt do that again. I was a dumb, fucked up kid. I dont do that anymore. The thought of cutting still crosses my mind whenever I get upset, but I dont act upon it.
Back to the therapist thing lol, I went to him, we talked, he told me that I knew what I was doing and why, so we just had to figure out how to make me stop. And that was all up to me. Pretty much I kept going to him to get the Zoloft. It helped me actually.
Bonus (as in optional): Last summer the Archives of Sexual Behavior the 237 reasons people have sex and the Top 50 Reasons Men and Women Have Sex. What are your top 5 reasons?
1.It feels good.
2.It's Fun.
3. I wanted to please my partner.
4.I wanted the pure pleasure.
5.I was "horny."
Ok, So I caught up with those.