Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Holy crap, I didnt realize it had been this long

Well, I have been away for over a month. Well just absent from my blog. I finally got a job. I work for a Car Dealership selling cars. I spend roughly 50-70 hours a week at work. I typically work 12 hours a day, 5-6 days a week. So I have had a good reason to be gone. Im looking for a new job though. I hate this place. I could make good money making cars. But... Its a crappy dealership with no traffic. No salesman sells over 10 cars a month. Most dont even make the 8 they ask us to sell. I will never make really good money there. I know I cant put up with that place much longer. I hate the owner and my direct manager. They are ass fucks. I have made some ok money. Nothing special compared to what Im used to making at other jobs. I would rather work less and make the same about of money. They just implemented a strict dress code today. we were fine wearing polo shirts, khaki or black pants or shorts, and regular shoes. I wear a polo, khaki pants, and my black DC's. But now we have to wear a company polo, some kind of slacks, and dress shoes, or if no work polo, a long sleeve button up and tie. Unfortunately, They cant order works shirts in my size. I need a 4 x or a 3xT for the length.

Update: I started that post like 4 days ago. So yea, I had them order me a 3x to see if it will work. It will take 3 weeks to get here. Yay...I so wont work there then I hope. Im looking for new jobs right now. I just kinda hit a stalemate with all the job search places. Im looking on craigslist, Indeed, CareerBuilder. I hate monster, but I think im gonna go hop over on there and see what they have.

So... My life just clicked for me a few days ago. (backstory) I graduated HS and went immediately into a Technical College for automotive technology. I decided that I loved working on cars when I was in AutoTech in HS. I was going to be a mechanic and save up and open my own performance shop with a speed parts shop. You come buy my parts and Ill put them on and such. It was The DREAM for me. I was going to do full custom work as well. Swap new engines into old cars and what not. I was so happy about that. Its everything that I wanted. Perfection to me. Well... After I graduated from the technical college, I got a job as a mobile fleet technician. I worked there and loved it. Didnt even realize when I worked a 16 hour day. It was pure enjoyment. Working on cars was my Niche. I was at home.

Well.. I had a stroke at work one day after being there only 2 months. I lost 20% of the vision in my left peripheral vision. And add to that, I am now on blood thinners for the rest of my life. I cant work on cars anymore. Well professionally anyways. Im taking a risk doing it at home on my own cars. If I cut myself open bad enough, I wont stop bleeding. So I pushed that shop Idea out of my mind.

I dont like working for someone, I want to be my own boss. I want to make the rules and everything. So Im sure some of you know that I have had ideas about opeing a bar or something and other different businesses. Well those are all gone now. One of the Techs that works at the dealership is currently going to the technical college that I went to. He asked if I got my associates from them, and back then they didnt offer an associates program. Just a Certificate. I got 59.5 credit hours from that course. He informed me that they are now letting former students come back and get their associates. So I am going to be doing that as soon as I get all of the information and can do it.

AR asked me What I was going to do with that degree. I told her that I didnt know. And I didnt know which worried me. I still didnt know what I was going to do with my life. I have been thinking of what I can go back to school for and nothing really sparks my interest. It hit me the next day. I remembered my idea to open the performance shop. The main thing I remembered was the Speed parts shop. I can still do that. And I would love it. It has a chance to be profitable. I am so connected in the DFW car club scene, that I could get plenty of people in to buy. So instead of doing the installs myself, I would make a deal with other installers to install my customers parts. I send them customers if they give them a discount on labor. And then if they get customers that want things, they can buy their parts from me at a discounted rate. Its perfect in my mind. I already know of a transmission/driveline guy that would be down for that. It seems like this could work. Which makes me happy. Its not an idea that would make me rich or anything like my previous ideas. But... It will make a decent living and I would be happy. I love cars. So I will be going to college again after I finish my automotive associates degree for a bachelors in business administration. That should give me the credentials to apply for a loan. Everything makes sense now. Im happy!!!

AR is still out in CA, and Im trying to get one of us to the other one so we can see each other. Its been almost 2 months. I miss her terribly. I just gotta get some money together to be able to do that. We get to talk a little more now, but that is because i have gotten used to my schedule. But its still not enough. I wants her back home. Plain and simple.

Well I am gonna head out. Trying to get a friends daughters birthday thing set up. I dont wanna do it on sunday, so I talked him into doing it tonight. So yea haha. Ill prolly catch up on WW and Some TMI tonight. So expect a long ass post with nothing but those tonight. Hopefully anyways.


Another Suburban Mom said...

Hi! *Waves* I am very excited to see your blog. Any friend of AR is a friend of mine.

AR's Boyfriend said...

Hi. Haha. I dont know how exciting my blog is, but yea lol, Its here and I post every once in a while haha. but thank you for stopping by.