Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I must be sick or something

So I was late for work this morning. Woke up about 2 hours late. My manger said I was good. We discussed a pay raise for me. I showed him what I wanted and he said "these numbers are too expensive for the dealership right now" I understand. We are not making money. But he is going to think it over and possibly give me a counter offer. I will see what comes. Who knows, maybe he will agree.

I was going to get off work at 7 tonight so I could see all of the Stars game. But I was loaded down with shit up there. My used car manager bought 18 cars at the auction today. All of which I had to check in and get ready. FUCK, I JUST REALIZED I DIDNT LEAVE THE SERVICE GUYS A NOTE TELLING THEM TO GET THE KEYS OUT OF MY DESK AND SEND THE CARS THROUGH THE SHOP. I MIGHT HAVE TO GO IN EARLY!!! FUCK!!! Sorry. Ugh... I hope that the roads are iced over tomorrow. I might have an excuse to not go in. Who knows. So I got off at about 9. Only got to see the 3rd period of the game. Which was still bad ass. We won 2-0. Shut out for Marty! Hell yea!

So yea, its icy as hell out now. Its been sleeting since around 7:30 or so. And its cold as fuck. 29-31 after I got off work. Its going to get colder and should stay cold as hell tomorrow if I remember correctly. Heres hoping. I want a damn day off.

So Im gonna try and play some catch-up on WW. Ill start with the most recent.

1.) If a natural disaster left thousands of people homeless, would you let a family of strangers stay in your house?
Honestly, I probably would not. I would not have let people from Louisiana board in my house. Im sorry, I feel really bad for them, I would donate money, but I have seen the bad side of that. I worked bail bonds when Hurricane Katrina happened. When people came in to my office from that area, they were more rude and flat out obnoxious than people I have seen from Texas. It all would depend on the situation with me honestly.

2.) How often do you watch porn?
Every once in a while, but not very often. It will be more like never once AR gets home! :):):)

3.) How many people have naked or semi-naked pictures of you?
Hopefully only one person now. I hope ex's and stuff didnt keep those pictures. Oh and there might be one or 2 that have been shared by someone;)

4.) When having sex with someone, have you ever fantasized about someone else? If yes, explain why you were thinking of someone else during sex.
It happened once, but it was mutual between the both of us. It turned her on.

5.) Is there ever an appropriate time to lie to someone and push yourself off as single when truthfully you're not?
I dont think so. If you are pushing yourself off as single, then you must be talking to someone you want to be with or something. Yea, like I said. I dont think so.

6.) Who is one person who has changed your life and how did they change things for you?
AR. She is the best person I could have ever met in my life. She is my soul mate. She made my life have meaning. I honestly thought I was going nowhere alone until she came along. Im happy as hell about it. :D

7.) How comfortable are you in bed with your current significant other? Do they know all your kinks or do you tend to hold back? Why? Very! And yes we do know each others kinks. Its awesome. :)

Well Im done for now. Off to bed to talk to AR and sleep. Hoping for Much Icy weather. :) Night all.

Monday, January 26, 2009

2 in a row!

Look 2 posts in a row! Haha. So more good news on the work front. Everything is getting settled up on the decision with how things are going to be handled with the internet department. My GM and I decided that I will go on answering the leads and doing what I normally do, but I will get them in and pass them off to the other salesmen. We are also going to set up a new pay plan which involves a base pay plus commission. I will ask for 2500 monthly plus 10% commission. If he says yes, I will be happy with that, but I will do 5% commisson if he wants me to. I wouldnt mind that honestly. But hey, why not ask for more money?

So that manager that stole my check is out of jail now. He texted me on sunday and said "whats up" like I was still his friend. I did not reply. He just texted me again. "I will pay you and ask you to forgive me." The only thing that bothers me about this situation is that I cant tell if he really wants forgiveness or if he just wants me to not press charges. He is a Christian and reads the book and talks about his faith often, but his actions with everyone are the complete opposite of what he preaches. I cant tell if the faith is just a cover up for his lies or if he is just so troubled and is trying to find his faith. He needs help, but wont get it from me.

I may be an athiest, but I do not mind people and their faiths. I am friends with people with strong beliefs, and we just understand each other and we can have conversations and not get into big fights. My mother is one of them. In the past few years she started going to church again. I have been to church two or three times since I was five. My mom stopped going then and I did not go. I felt uncomfortable the times I went after that. I even attended a church that took you as you are with my best friend in high school. It was uncomfortable then too. It was not feeling like I was being shunned by how I look, it was just not me. And I realized around that time I had no faith. And that is how I choose to live my life. I have strong morals. I am a good person with a big heart. I do not need a religion to define who I am. I have studied over several religions and none of their teachings make sense to me. So I will continue to live how I do no matter what anyone says or thinks about me. I am a good person and I will be.

Ok so yea, I just needed to get that out. I struggle with people sometimes on that front. Im seen as a bad person because I have no religion. Its stupid how people think that of me. Their loss I guess.

So anyways. I got some awesome x-mas gifts. AR got me a Nikon S550 Digital camera since I needed a new one. Its 10Mp and bad ass. Her family got me Dvd's a Cd, and her parents got me a European Fondue set as well as paying part of my way out there to see her. Oh almost forgot the Dallas Stars tumbler and shot glass from her sister. I got Wanted, American Gangster, and I think another, but I cant remember. As well as the new Amon Amarth Cd. Oh and a cake decorating kit from her mom. (shut it, I love baking lol) And my friends got together and bought me a Marty Turco Jersey. Its awesome. I have been drooling over getting one for years, but have not had the funds to do it and those awesome bastards did. FogHat, Road-E, and Chevelle. Hell yea. My sister got me House Season 4. She was going to get me a manicure or peticure at the salon she worked at, but my mom convinced her not to. She told her I would not go for that, so it would go to waste. Her argument was that lots of guys go do that. And my mom just told her that it would be wasted because I would never do that, I am not the prim and proper kind of guy. She was right. I would have look at my sister like she was fucking stupid. If you really know me, you would definately know I dont go for that shit. Nothing wrong with guys that do, but its not my style. My mom got me some new work pants, which is cool because I needed them and money is tight around here. She also got me something else that I cannot remember, but I love anything she gives me like it was solid gold.

That woman has done everything and then some for me. She went without when my sister and I needed or wanted something. She sacrificed so much for us when our deadbeat dad left. We didnt need him. And are doing just fucking fine without him. Oh well lol. Im bitter. Not really bitter, just angry towards him. Drug dealing deadbeat bastard. Ok Im done with that.

Well, I seem to have ran out of things to talk about. Well maybe I can post more tomorrow. I was thinking of going to the Stars game but I talked to FogHat after work and we decided it would be best to save our money since I will be going to 3 games or so in February. Hell yea!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Im not dead!!

Ok, So its been long enough. I have an extra little bit of time and can post. I do still lurk around on here from time to time, but I have not had the time to actually make a post.
So, lets start with whats been keeping me so busy.

Work. I got my promotion back in November and as I stated in my last post, I am busy as shit. I work 6 days a week for 9-10 hours a day. And I usually pretty fucking busy up there. I love the promotion, but along with that came more than what I thought I was getting into. Not only am I the Internet Sales Manager, but I am also the Used Car Assistant Manager, the guy that runs the key machines, and general task handler of my GM. I sell the cars to people that inquire over the internet, I update the pricing and descriptions online, I have to price the used cars on the lot, I have to keep the used car lot in order, I have to check in the new used cars and run them through the shop and to detail, I still haven't had time to do much work on the website that I spoke of, I deal with the salesmen asking questions about the cars, I have to make key fobs for used cars. I also am starting to help appraise cars as well. I used to be a mechanic so my Used Car manager wants me to check them out and tell him. My GM likes me so that turns into him asking me to do other tasks around there for him because I get my shit done.

Its hard work and I have to find time to sell cars in there somewhere. Which has not been working out. Im not selling many actually, and I should be. But what is going to happen soon is I will be getting the leads and contacting them and setting up appointments and then handing them off to the salesmen to actually sell the cars. I will still have to handle the more difficult leads though. Since I know how to deal with those people. I have to sit down with my boss and make up a new pay plan for this since I wont be getting commission off of those sales and the guys wont want to split deals with me. They want full commission. So I will probably ask for a base salary plus a percentage of commission. Its fair and not uncommon for management. I think it will work better.

I also now have a set schedule at work. My boss didnt like my coming in at 10:30 or later every day and staying til close. I now work 9am-6pm. I will live. I just dont get to talk to AR as much.

I am also worried about the existence of the dealership. It is a problem store for Chrysler. We dont make any money and its in a bad neighborhood. I think they might honestly shut it down by may. And that is what the new GM is there for. His job for Chrysler is to go around to problem stores and try to turn them around and if it does not work, he shuts them down. Unfortunately, I think that is our fate. That store has been an off and on place for years. It has changed hands so many times. It is just in a horrid location.

So here recently one of the managers decided to steal one of my pay checks and cash it. He kept telling me he lost it and there was a big situation around it that is too long and drawn out to explain fully. Well that all finally got settled on saturday. He was fired and arrested. Oh well, he brought it upon his lying theiving ass self.

So AR came out for thanksgiving week. That rocked. I loved having her here. And I also went out there for Christmas. That was awesome as well. I needed a vacation from work and needed to see her. I miss her so much. She is going to be home soon hopefully. But we are still doing great. It is hard at times, but we work through it. I love her so much. :)

Other than that, I go out every once in a while and just hang out with my friends and go see movies. Im boring pretty much. I dont have time to do much. But I will live. I play a lot of online games haha.

If anyone likes browser based games, you might want to check out Samurai of Legend I play it and I enjoy it very much. Its fun and I would be glad to help anyone who signs up and wants to play.

And I also play myspace games. Haha. They are amusing and waste time. Well AR is on the phone now and I think that is all of my updates for now. I hope its not 2 months til I post again. I hope this works for everyone.