Thursday, September 18, 2008

Catching up on a shit load of WW

Wednesday Weirdness. Play with us, you know you want to.

WW #21

1.) If you caught your partner viewing porn online and masturbating, how would you react?
I would ask what she was watching and check it out and possibly have some sexy time together. :)

2.) If you caught your partner participating in a sex chat room online, how would you react?
That might irk me a little bit. Especially if it was with a dude. Now if its with girls, Im all cool. She can chat up the ladies all she wants.

3.) Did your parents know when you became sexually active? How did they find out?
Um, Nope haha. Umm... She just knew lol.

4.) How open were/are your parents about sex?
My mom is not at all lol. Well maybe a little tiny bit, but yea not really at all.

5.) When was the last time you had a splinter? What part of your body was it stuck in?
Hell I dont remember haha.

6.) If you could only bring back ONE extinct animal, what would it be and why?
Hmm, interesting. Im not sure, probably a stegosaurus.

Wednesday Weirdness #20: Weight Watchers

1. Are you happy with how much you weigh? Why or Why not?
Nope, not at all. Because im about 60 lbs over weight.

2. Have you ever been at a weight you are happy with?
Probably, but not in some years.

3. Are you currently on a diet now? If yes, describe.

4. What is the craziest thing you have ever done to lose weight?
I took hydroxycut when I was in HS. It worked, but yea, that wasnt good for me

5. What is your favorite thing about your body?
My large frame.
6. What is your least favorite thing about your body
My fat.

WW #19

1.) Someone dares you to eat two cooked bulls testicles for 1,500 dollars. They're fried, topped with nacho cheese, belly button lint, lima beans, sweat rung out from a dirty sock and maple syrup and you have to eat it all. Are you going to eat it for the cash or pass?
Nope, Im passing on that. Not just for 1500 bucks. Sweat from the sock killed it. I could do everything else. I might puke, but I prolly could. I have eaten some weird shit.

2.) If you were not getting enough sex in your relationship, how would you handle it? Would you cheat on your significant other?
Easy, just say "Baby, lets fuck" more. Nope not a cheater.

3.) Would you cheat if you knew you would never be caught? Why or why not?
How about hell no. Because I love my girlfriend with all of my heart.

4.) If you could get rid of any of the late night talk show hosts and replace them with anyone you want, what late night persona would you get rid of and who would you replace them with?
Carson Daily. His show is stupid as fuck. I would replace him with Adam Sandler.

5.) If you could get rid of one day time talk show, which one would you pick and why?
Any of them. Because I hate daytime talk shows.

6.) Where is your favorite places on the body to be kissed? Favorite places to kiss?
Anywhere, and anywhere again.

7.) Do you watch porn? How does your significant other feel about that?
Yea, a little. Especially now that she is out of state. She doesnt mind.

Wednesday Weirdness #18

1. How often do you talk to your siblings?
Meh, I might talk to my sister once a month or so.

2. How well do you deal when given an ultimatum?
Not well at all. I typically get pissed off at that.

3. Have you ever dated someone or had a lover who had an emotional or mental disorder?
Umm.. Yes. I dated a psychopath. Bitch stalked me for like 6 months after that. We only dated for a week.

4. How do you feel about crossdressing?
To each their own. It dont bother me.

5. Have you ever lied about the number of sexual partners you have had to someone? Why?
Nope. Because mine is low, and I dont care.

6. Does your significant other have the same political and religious views that you do? How often do you discuss politics and religion with them?
Im not very political. So we dont discuss that very much. Religious, we are similar. Im an athiest, and she is spiritual.

7. What sport, if any, do you find to be most boring?
Nascar. Im sorry, they may go fast, but nothing but left turns bores the crap outta me.

8. Have you ever honestly peed in the pool?
Yea, when I was little haha. Who didnt?

WW #17

1.) You just bought a snazzy new leather jacket for an awesome price at the local outlet shop. When you got it home you found $2000 (cash) in the jacket's inner pocket. What are you going to do?
I would call the store and ask if anyone has claimed they lost an amount of money to see if it was missing and to check if someone had bought that jacket before and returned it. Possibly give them my contact information if someone came in saying they lost that money so they could contact me. I would not disclose the amount though. Someone might say they lost it and really hadnt.

2.) If you could change or eliminate one wedding tradition, what would it be? What is your favorite wedding tradition?
Umm Churches lol. I dont really have a favorite tradition lol.

3.)If you were on Gilligan’s Island, who would you want to share your hut with? Who would you consider it torture to have to share a hut with?
I would probably enjoy sharing my hut with gilligan. And Mrs Howell or Ginger would annoy the fuck out of me.

4.) Have you ever called your current significant other by another name at any point? What happened?
Umm.. I might have on accident. She probably got upset and hit me or something. But I have never called her an ex's name or anything.

5.) If you were going to be famous under a stage name, what would you pick your stage name to be? Why? What do you want to be famous doing?
Um Long Dong Silver? Hell I dont know lol. I want to be famous for being an integral part of the Hot Rod world.

6.) During sex, do you ever fantasize about someone other than your partner?
Only if we are talking about and fantasizing about someone together.

7.) Which is worse, being in a place that is too loud, or too quiet?
too quiet.

Wednesday Weirdness #16

1. Is there anything hanging from your vehicle's rear view mirror?

2. When you go into the bathroom, do you ever check behind the shower curtain? You know, to make sure no one is miraculously hiding back there.
I have before

3. At what age did your mom or dad give you "the talk" about sex?
Never got one haha.

If you could add anything at all to an airplane to make trips more interesting, what would it be and why?
Umm, more interesting? ... Dancing midgets. That would be damn interesting.

5. What is one thing you and your significant other can never seem to agree on?
My awesomeness. I know there is something, but I cant remember.

6. Have you ever walked in on someone else having sex? How did you and the people involved react?
Nope, I dont think so. Everytime someone has had sex around me, its been them starting it while I was there. Like the time I fell asleep at my friends house with his girlfriend using me as a pillow to watch tv, I wake up to her shoulders going into my side becuse they were fucking on me.

Everyone hears discussions that they consider boring. What is one topic that can put you to sleep quicker than any other?
Umm.. Politics

Wednesday Weirdness, The Ex Files

1. When your relationships end, are you the instigator of the breakup or the recipient?
Eh, its been both.

2. Do you save things from your ex, or get rid of them? If you save them, how? If you trash them, how?
Eh, I saved stuff, but its always gotten rid of after I move on. I typically burn shit.

3. Describe your favorite ex?
My favorite ex? I guess you mean the ex that I like better than the others. Probably Kaysea, she didnt fuck me over and wasnt a psychopath. I broke up with her because I saw that relationship going nowhere and didnt want to drag it out.

4. Do you consider a friend's ex off limits?

5. Have you ever had sex with an ex? Why?
Yea. Well because it was convenient.

6. If you had a choice between spending the rest of your life with your worst ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend, or your HS Nemisis, who would you choose?
Umm.. HS nemisis.. I dont even know who that was... Oh well there was this one kid... I would gladly take him over that psychopath bitch that I dated.

7. Would you ever create a YouTube video or a website celebrating your exes' flaws?
Haha No. That is pretty childish.

Wednesday Weirdness #14

1. Would you rather be 3 inches taller, or 3 inches shorter than you already are?
Neither? I like how tall I am. I dont wanna be 6'5" since thats not extremely tall, and I dont wanna be 6'11" since thats too tall. 6'8" is fine with me

2. What are 3 words that could never be used to describe you?
Short, well mannered, close minded

3. Have you ever eaten something at the grocery store while you were shopping, prior to buying it? Did you pay for it when you got to the check out line?
I think I did once. And yes I paid for it.

4. If you could have any 3 materialistic things in this world without paying a single cent for any of them, what would they be and why?
My dream house/Garage: becuse I gotta have some place to live and store my cars and they will be expensive, a Mclaren F1: because that is the most expensive car I want, a private jet: Because I really want a private jet.

5. Have you ever fallen asleep or nodded off during sex before?
Nope. I like sex. You cant nod off while having sex with AR lol, it feels too damn good.

6. What are 3 jobs you’d leave your current job for? If you don't have a current job, just list 3 jobs you would like to have.
Courier with paid company vehicle and fuel and cell phone and insurance, Some sort of role working with the Dallas Stars team, Owner of a Performance Parts shop.

7. Do you or have you ever answered the phone during sex?
Nope, sure as hell havent done that and never will. I dont even hear my phone going off when AR and I are fucking.

Fuck, I missed a lot of them bastard questions haha. but I caught up. Today was my day off. I slept and then Took an engine to a buddy of mine who wanted to buy it. Hung out at the body shop he works at with him and a couple more friends who showed up and then went and ate with them and came home. While we were there he fixed me up a paint sample for what Im going for with the Iroc. It looks perty. Now I just have to paint something with it and see how it looks. I think it needs to be darker. I dunno. Well I gotta work tomorrow at 11, so Im gonna take my ass to the shower and try to get some good sleep.


Ashly Star said...

Lol.. you're silly. You make me laugh. =o)

Another Suburban Mom said...

I feel like I know you so well now. Glad you played.

LOL on the Bull Testicle question.