So Im sure some of you have noticed I only post about once a week. I guess I burned myself out really quick by posting every day. So I have been just lurking and leaving comments here and there. But I havent been on the computer much. I was reading a book "Edge of Battle" by Dale Brown. Its a military style book with Mechanized Robots. It is a sequel to another book "Act of War" I like Dale Brown's writing. Im not much for military stuff, but I like how he does it. Those are the only 2 books that I have by him, but I plan to get more.
I have been having issue's with my Mazda3. Im sure I posted somewhere about it being wrecked in December. I now have a leak that lets rain in and it pools in the back floor board. I cant keep it dry. And now my radio has stopped working. Wont even come on. So I have to get it to another Geico guaranteed repair shop around here. My sleep schedule is fucked right now. I tried fixing it, but just quit waking up. So I havent gone. That and I need to make sure that I have a rental. My other vehicle gets horrible gas mileage, so I cant really use it without doing some major repairs. Yes, I have been lazy as well. I am going to get it in the shop tomorrow. Speaking of, I need to get to bed soon. I did the TMI and WW first. Maybe after I fix my damn sleep schedule, I will post more than once a week.
OH! So you can go read AR's blog to hear about how our 2nd Anniversary went. We had fun. She never posted a link or picture of the ring I got her. So I will do it here. Claddagh Jewlers
They are based in Ireland. Go check them out and read up on what the ring means.
Ok, Im off here. Enjoy TMI, and WW!
TMI Tuesday!
I know im late, but hey, at least im doing it.
1. What lines have you used to let someone down gently.
I have only told the truth. "I dont see this relationship going anywhere, so I think we should be done"
2. If I gave you $10K to waste, what would you buy.
10k? hmm. I wouuld have my Camaro Painted and buy car parts, maybe more care parts for my Trans Am.
3. If I gave you $10K, but you had to spend it all on someone else, what would you buy.
I would buy 2 cars. One for AR and the other for my mom.
4. If your partner brought a double dildo to bed, you'd be ____________?
Asking which girl is joining her
5. What sounds to you make during sex.
Good ones. Its usually just moans and groans, "yea's" "oh god's" and stuff like that
Bonus (as in optional): Tell your worst break up story.
My worst break up story... I went to visit an ex in Ohio for 3 days, I get back home, and she wont talk to me. I call, no answer. No reply to texts, nothing. I call and some dude answers the phone and tells me she doesnt want to talk to me. So Im getting pissed. 3 days this shit goes on. She wont talk to me. She finally is texting with me and tells me that its over. Yay...
Wednesday Weirdness #5
Note, WW will have its own blog this next week. Its over on my blogroll, so be sure to add it and update it from MG's blog.
On the following questions, use a scale of 0 (being the worst) to 10 (being the best) to rate the things the questions ask about. Also explain why you gave yourself the rating you did. If you cannot use a scale to rate or do not want to, just explain without the numeric rating.
1.) How would you rate your own personal hygiene?
7. Sometimes I go 2-3 days without showering. Yea, thats bad, but if I dont do anything, then I dont usually feel the need to. Im getting better.
2.) How would you rate your ability to keep a secret?
9 When it comes to serious stuff, My lips are entirely sealed. If its with AR and hiding a present Im going to give her, then I let things slip sometimes.
3.) How would you rate your cooking skills?
8. I can cook. I dont normally. I can bake like a motherfucker though. I usually dont cook because AR is so much better than me at it.
4.) How would you rate your level of laziness?
5. Im lazy. I hate it sometimes. AR hates it most of the time. I procrastinate. I have been in a funk for the past 6 months. Im hoping to change that soon.
5.) How would you rate your level of insecurity?
Well, Im going to say a 3 on that. Im pretty damn insecure. Im always having to validate that Im doing things right and make sure everything is ok. Sigh
Friday, May 30, 2008
Update on me and TMI + WW
TMI Tuesday,
Wednesday Weirdness
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That ring is gorgeous! Very sweet. I heard from her in nice detail about the festivities of your anniv. It seemed you two had a very fun time. I hope you two have many more to come too!
Great WW! Better late than never. ~grins~
Thank you. I knew it would be awesome. We had a great time. Im sure she gave you a whole lot of detail about the anniversary. Thank you. I hope for many more as well.
Damn straight better late than never. ;)
Oh she did! She almost did not want to post about it because I made her dish so many details to me! lol I am horrible like that but you know, I love my details.
At least you play! I am surprised at the amount of people who do play. I expected no one would in all honesty.
Lol Im sure. If she hadnt posted, I would have. Details do rock. Well they are always really interesting things to post about. But hell yea to people playing. Its fun!
Wow that break up story sucks! What a bitch! (Sorry) I hate when people do crapola like that. Yay? It seems like your better off now :)
I am a lil bit on the lazy side and a procrastinator to boot! My bf is not lazy and rarely puts off anything so he gets so annoyed with me over stuff like that lol.
Yea, she was a bitch. I actually found out later that it hurt her that I wasnt around all the time. But still no excuse to be a bitch. I am SOOOOO Much better off now. And happier too. Much happier.
Yea, I am horribly lazy sometimes, AR wants to smack me sometimes. haha. At least they still love us. Haha.
I too am a habitual procrastinator. Sucks, but I'm trying to work on that.
The ring is beautiful! Very sweet too, since you took the time to pick one with such great meaning. Excellent job! AR's one lucky girl. :)
Hope you have a great weekend!
Haha, procrastinating sucks.
Thank you about the ring. I had to find something that has a lot of meaning. It made her very happy.
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