Saturday, May 3, 2008

The Stars were Robbed Tonight in SJ

They lost 3-2 in OT tonight. My whole problem was the fact that the game was officiated horendously. The Stars technically scored 4 times in regulation. 2 of those goals were called off. One of them I do agree with, the other how ever. I do not. Im going to post a link of the highlights from the game and you can watch the whole thing to see what Im talking about through most of this post. But I am going to give you a time stamp to scroll to to see this goal that I do not agree with being called off.

Game Recap

Ok so it wont let me link directly to the video, but I can direct you there through that link.

1:Open the page
2:Scroll down to the Gold and white box on the right side that says Game Reports.
3:Click the link that says 700k with a little yellow video camera next to it.

That will open the game highlights.

Now this goal I am talking about is at 2 minutes and 30 seconds into the video. You can watch the start of the drive to where the goal happens. They reviewed the goal becaue they had to make sure he did not kick the puck in. It bounces off of his skate, and goes through Nabokov's legs. It was Brenden Morrow. He was tangled up with a defenseman and trying to stop. While he is stopping, the puck is shot over and hits the front of his skate as it is still skating in an arc to the right and then goes in. You can clearly see from the video that he is not kicking it in, but trying to stop. He had no idea that it was on his skate. He was trying to get his stick loose to hit it, but it went off the skate. I see no kicking motion. Even the Vs announcers said that was not a kicking motion.

So the other goal that I think should have been waived off and was, came from Brenden Morrow too. He gets a pass from the left side and he has to glove it down from a little about knee height to try to hit it in. It looked to me as if it did make contact with the stick before going over the line, but after seeing several angles on the play, it didnt. So that didnt count. I agree with that. Later on in the 3rd period, Morrow is skating toward the net and ends up getting cross checked into the goal. No penalty called. He was blatantly cross checked.

In my books, the series is over. Dallas won tonight. But according to the NHL, they did not. The game was called unfairly, and everyone will get what is rightfully theirs on Sunday here in Dallas.

On another note..
Has anyone tried this new Bud Light Lime?

Its pretty tasty. AR doesnt like it, but she hates Bud Light. I happen to like Bud Light. Its almost my favorite beer. I ued to love Bud Select. I still like it, but BL is easier for me to drink. I really dont care for beer much at all. But I only drink Budwiser products. No Bud Ice though. That shit is nasty.

Along with the BL Lime tonight AR wanted to try this Bacardi Silver Mojito cocktail thing.

Its like a Mikes Hard Lemonade, but its a Mojito. That was pretty tasty too.

So we didnt end up going to a bar, but we hung out with our friend Chevelle(hes got a 71 Chevelle, so thats what I chose) and his girlfriend Snakebites. They asked if we wanted to come watch the game with them and have some beers and Pizzert. Its a dseret pizza from this place called Pizza Inn. They take a pizza type crust and put things like chocolage sauce, pudding, choc chips and other desert stuff on it. They have Chocolote chip, Double Chocolate, Rocky Road, Cherry and Apple. We got 2 smalls. Choc chip and Rocky road. I have had one of these before when I was very young. I remember it made me sick for like 3 days. Vomiting and such. So I was scared to try again. I didnt have the choc chip because it was over cooked. Plus that was the kind that made me sick. But I did try the rocky road. It was pretty damn good. Tasted like brownies.

So other than the beverages listed already, Chevelle got some Bud Select, and some Mikes Hard Lime for his GF. Apparently Snakebites is a Stars fan. Didnt know this. They are wanting to get tickets to a game here soon. So I figure we might go with them. Chevelle isnt a big hockey fan, but he watches and he understands it. But he does like the Stars. Had a really good time tonight hanging out with them. We dont see them much. Chevelle works at like 530 in the morning. So he doesnt stay out late like us. He was my best friend at one point in time up until some drama happened and I made a fucked up decision and believed the lies from another friend. It was my fault, but we are all cool now. Im not so much with that other friend due to some recent drama. That guy is all about drama though. But I can explain more about that in another post.

We are going to try to go to this car show about an hour away from here tomorrow, out close to where AR's mom lives. A couple of friends from my car club invited us out there. And probably go see Iron Man. I have a feeling that movie will rock. It looks really good.

We saw a newer trailer for Speed Racer last night. AR decided that she would go see that movie with me after that. When we first saw the preview, she said no, no and hell no. Said I could see it by myself haha. But now she wont mind. I cant wait to see it. I loved Speed Racer as a kid.

Well I made this damn post long enough, so ill shut up and go bother other people haha.


Anonymous said...

BUD LIGHT is the drink. That is all we drink. Every now and then we do buy Bud Select, but I find that I get a headache after drinking it. I am so going to have to try the Bud Light Lime. It sounds great.

AR's Boyfriend said...

I like most Budweiser Products. Budweiser, Bud Light, and Bud Select.
BL Lime is great. I am hoping that people like it so that I can get it more haha.

Anonymous said...

Well I don't know dick about hocky and nothing about speed racer or the pizza thing, though I would definately eat it, but the the beer, yeah I'm in for the beer for sure.
I haven't seen that lime BL.
I'll have to hit that sometime soon

AR's Boyfriend said...

Its alright. But hell yea on the beer. Definately get ahold of the BL lime soon.