So Im sure some of you have noticed I only post about once a week. I guess I burned myself out really quick by posting every day. So I have been just lurking and leaving comments here and there. But I havent been on the computer much. I was reading a book "Edge of Battle" by Dale Brown. Its a military style book with Mechanized Robots. It is a sequel to another book "Act of War" I like Dale Brown's writing. Im not much for military stuff, but I like how he does it. Those are the only 2 books that I have by him, but I plan to get more.
I have been having issue's with my Mazda3. Im sure I posted somewhere about it being wrecked in December. I now have a leak that lets rain in and it pools in the back floor board. I cant keep it dry. And now my radio has stopped working. Wont even come on. So I have to get it to another Geico guaranteed repair shop around here. My sleep schedule is fucked right now. I tried fixing it, but just quit waking up. So I havent gone. That and I need to make sure that I have a rental. My other vehicle gets horrible gas mileage, so I cant really use it without doing some major repairs. Yes, I have been lazy as well. I am going to get it in the shop tomorrow. Speaking of, I need to get to bed soon. I did the TMI and WW first. Maybe after I fix my damn sleep schedule, I will post more than once a week.
OH! So you can go read AR's blog to hear about how our 2nd Anniversary went. We had fun. She never posted a link or picture of the ring I got her. So I will do it here. Claddagh Jewlers
They are based in Ireland. Go check them out and read up on what the ring means.
Ok, Im off here. Enjoy TMI, and WW!
TMI Tuesday!
I know im late, but hey, at least im doing it.
1. What lines have you used to let someone down gently.
I have only told the truth. "I dont see this relationship going anywhere, so I think we should be done"
2. If I gave you $10K to waste, what would you buy.
10k? hmm. I wouuld have my Camaro Painted and buy car parts, maybe more care parts for my Trans Am.
3. If I gave you $10K, but you had to spend it all on someone else, what would you buy.
I would buy 2 cars. One for AR and the other for my mom.
4. If your partner brought a double dildo to bed, you'd be ____________?
Asking which girl is joining her
5. What sounds to you make during sex.
Good ones. Its usually just moans and groans, "yea's" "oh god's" and stuff like that
Bonus (as in optional): Tell your worst break up story.
My worst break up story... I went to visit an ex in Ohio for 3 days, I get back home, and she wont talk to me. I call, no answer. No reply to texts, nothing. I call and some dude answers the phone and tells me she doesnt want to talk to me. So Im getting pissed. 3 days this shit goes on. She wont talk to me. She finally is texting with me and tells me that its over. Yay...
Wednesday Weirdness #5
Note, WW will have its own blog this next week. Its over on my blogroll, so be sure to add it and update it from MG's blog.
On the following questions, use a scale of 0 (being the worst) to 10 (being the best) to rate the things the questions ask about. Also explain why you gave yourself the rating you did. If you cannot use a scale to rate or do not want to, just explain without the numeric rating.
1.) How would you rate your own personal hygiene?
7. Sometimes I go 2-3 days without showering. Yea, thats bad, but if I dont do anything, then I dont usually feel the need to. Im getting better.
2.) How would you rate your ability to keep a secret?
9 When it comes to serious stuff, My lips are entirely sealed. If its with AR and hiding a present Im going to give her, then I let things slip sometimes.
3.) How would you rate your cooking skills?
8. I can cook. I dont normally. I can bake like a motherfucker though. I usually dont cook because AR is so much better than me at it.
4.) How would you rate your level of laziness?
5. Im lazy. I hate it sometimes. AR hates it most of the time. I procrastinate. I have been in a funk for the past 6 months. Im hoping to change that soon.
5.) How would you rate your level of insecurity?
Well, Im going to say a 3 on that. Im pretty damn insecure. Im always having to validate that Im doing things right and make sure everything is ok. Sigh
Friday, May 30, 2008
Update on me and TMI + WW
Friday, May 23, 2008
Late Wednesday Weirdness
I know its late, but at least Im doing it! Enjoy.
Want to play along?? Get the questions over Here
1. What is the worst part about going down on the opposite sex?
If its smelly, or hairy, thats just gross. Oh and if the girl is loose, thats nasty too. With AR, its the fact that she wont let me keep going because its too much lol.
2. What is something you want more of in your current relationship? To understand each other better.
3. What is something you want less of in your current relationship?Confusion.
4. Have you ever had a sex dream that involved a cartoon or fictional character in it?
No lol. I did have a dream about a big purple octopus that lived in a sunken ship that chased me around under water. Nothing sexual haha.
5. Have you ever fantasized about a significant other's parent? That would be a big NO. Haha.
6. Where is the most public place you've ever masturbated?
Well, at one of my old jobs, AR was sending pictures to my phone, I was in the bathroom though, so more public than that would be driving down the highway.
7b. GUYS: If a girl expressed her desire for you to wear a pair of her panties, what would your reaction be? You want me to do WHAT?!!?? Umm no..
8. How much is "too much" when it comes to Public Displays of Affection?
So many have said what I would. Keep it G rated in front of children, but in a bar or something, do what you will haha.
Monday, May 19, 2008
TMI Tuesday
TMI Tuesday
1. How many credit cards do you own? Are they paid off?
0! Go me!!
2. Can you be in love with someone you don't trust?
Honestly, I think you can, but it would be an issue.
3. Should prostitution be legal?
I dont think so. I dont think you should make it easier for girls to degrade themselves for money. If you make it legal, there will be more women that will go out and do it. Then the streets will be full of the "cracked out" nasty looking women trying to pick up a John. I know that they already do it to themselves, and that it is degrading like strippers. But there is so much more intimacy involved by fucking someone. A stripper doesnt fuck their customers(normally), so its a different level. Women will do it to make some major bucks, so I just say that we dont need to make it easier for them to do. Do you want some cracked out hooker walking up to your car every time you stop in traffic or at a red light? I dont either. Because that will open up the flood gates to let those crack whores just run free. They will be out in public where everyone can see them, Strippers are confined to strip clubs. People will degrade themselves no matter what, I just say to not make it easier for them to do it. That would be like making crack or heroin or meth legal. So many more people would do it. I will explain more if asked to. So my answer is no, no and hell no.
4. On a scale of 1-10, how good of a lover do you think you are? (1 is lowest, 10 is highest)
Ill give myself a 7.5 Im good, but not as good as I could be.
5. What are three mistakes someone could make on the first date with you that would automatically make you turn down a second date with them?
1.Tell me that they do drugs. Yes Marijuana is a drug. Im not down with that at all. Pot makes me sick as it it.
2.Answer their phone and carry on a conversation.
3.Flirt with some other dude.
I didnt do the bonus this week. I never really dated much. So I dont have any dates that I can recall.
Awesome yet busy weekend
After a shitty start to the week, The weekend turned out pretty fucking awesome.
I dont think we did anything on thursday. So Friday was a lazy day too. We hung out and I decided to go take AR out to dinner at Texas Roadhouse. She likes steak houses. I love them too haha. I had a 16 oz Sirloin, double mashed potatoes, 5 rolls, 5 potato skins, and a shit load of dr pepper. I was miserable, but It was worth it. I over eat when I am having a delicious meal. I cant help it. Especaily since we dont go to TX Roadhouse very often. It has been over a year since we ate there last. Our waiter was really awesome. My drink never got half empty by the time I had another one. That is the best way to earn my tip. Keep my drinks full and you will walk out with much better than 15% with me. Depending on the bill and if I am working, I tip pretty bad ass. There were times where I would eat somewhere by myself and the bill would be under 10 bucks and I would leave a 5 dollar tip. Ive left 10 dollars for 10-20 bill and sometimes on the smaller bills, I have left 100% tip. So the bill was 42.90 and I left him a 10 dollar tip. 25% is good in my book. Especially since there were a couple tables that we saw leave him little to none. And the table next to us was saying they werent leaving him shit.
We left there and were not ready to go home. Got gas, Called Chevelle and SB to see if they wanted to hang out and plan for Saturday's Stars game. They were gonna go to bed soon, So I called up another friend, Pantera(after the car), to see what he was doing. I needed to get ahold of him anyways and let him know I was not going to make the first part of our Car club BBQ and to see if I could bring him the Charcoal I bought for it. I told the club I would bring it, So Im still gonna do it. Him and a couple other members of our car club were at his girlfriends house helping to prepare for the BBQ. We went over and hung out for a bit. Played mario kart on the wii. That was pretty fun.
So we came home. It had been decided earlier in the night that I would make this cake I have been talking about making for a while. I got the idea, and it sounded delicious. Its like a mix between a dirt cup and a cake. I wont give out the recipe yet, but it is good. I was going to do that as soon as we got home. We stopped at a gas station so I could get smokes and a Dr pepper for AR and she hopped in the drivers seat while I was inside. She felt like driving. So she starts driving home. We get there and she is not ready to go in. We decide to go run my car through a car wash. Then after the car wash, I want to get some of this wax that Pantera uses on his car. It is bad ass. I am going to have to do seperate posts for my car stuff haha. Its called zymol. It made the black on his car like a mirror. So I had to pick some up. Got like 50 bucks in car cleaning supplies. I like for my cars to be pretty and shiny haha.
Came home and ended up staying up til 6 working on this cake. I know it sounds weird, but I love to bake. I will make cakes, pies, cookies, brownies and other deserts. I just love it. The cake turned out bad ass btw. I have a picture of it to post.
On a related subject, this is another cake I made. Lemon Cake with Lemon Frosting. Zested a little lemon on top. Pretty damn good.
So we took that to Chevelles Saturday for the game. We had a BBQ there. Chevelle did all the grilling. Made some awesome black angus burgers. Mhmm. I bought some Bud Select and brought it over and we drank on those and watched the Stars game with him and SB. Foghat came over to partake in the festivities as well. The stars won game 5 2-1 in Detroit! Hell yes! I love it. We were all so fucking happy. Hell yea! So since it was a fucking early ass game, and I didnt want to go to my carclub BBQ, we all just hung out for the rest of the day. We decided to go bowling. I suck at bowling usualy. I got a 101 on the 2nd game. 2 strikes in a row on the 10th frame and 9 pins on the last ball. Helped me greatly haha. I wish I could do that more often lol.
After bowling, we decided to go play putt putt. I am usually king of Putt putt. Foghat tied me for 1st with a 45. I hadnt played in a while, and we were rushed since we had people stacking up behind us. We let one group play through. They people behind us were just as slow, so it wasnt too bad. We played in the arcade for about 10 mins and then decided to go get food. We went to Chili's. The service blew. Our waiter didnt remember our shit, so he got a total of maybe 5 bucks from the 5 of us. Assfuck. After that, we all went home and did the sleep thing. Today, Foghat wanted to go to entertainmart. Its like a movie Trading Company mixed with Cd Warehouse, and Gamestop. He wanted to get rid of a PS3 game he bought and get a new one.
I was trying to check out Gran Turismo 5 Prologue for the PS3, but when you entered a race, it wouldnt drive, so I had no idea. it did have one of the controlers that has a fan and vents on it to keep your hands cool. I will need one of those when I get a PS3. I have decided I want one now. We hopped over to one of the XBOX 360 demos they had and we played on Devil May Cry 4. I officially want that game now. I wasnt interested in the series a long while back, but now I am. It has some bad ass graphics and play value.
After leavcing there, we all hit up On The Border. I love this OTB. Best one I have ever had. One of the best mexican restaurants I have eaten actually. We went to town on their chips and Salsa, I had a beef burrito, AR had Chicken tacos, and FH had 2 enchiladas. We came home, And just relaxed and now here we are.
Sorry I havent been posting as much or talking yall up, but As you can see, I have been a busy boy. Im splitting this up into 3 posts since it is so fucking long. Thank you for reading them all haha!
Shitty Start to the week
So now to update everyone on the recent happenings with me. This is how my week started out.
Last Monday night was game 3 in the Stars Red Wings series. I was going to go hang out with my friend BS(for Bud Select, or Bullshit) at Buffalo Wild Wings and watch the game with him since He Called me and asked if we could watch it together. I don't hang out with him much, so I agreed. Said we would do it for Mondays game since I had plans for the game before hand. It comes up to about an hour or more before the game starts and I text him to make sure he is still going. He says he is. Calls me 20-30 mins before the game stars and tells me that he is helping someone move. Says they are on their way to somewhere and should be done in about an hour and a half. I say cool, he should be back in time for the 2nd period. I go up to BWW and sit there, game starts, I order a beer, watch, wait, watch, phone rings. Its BS calling, Its loud in there so I don't hear it. I check the voicemail, its not BS, its some dumb chick that he was dating but dumped. Telling me that they wont be able to make it because they aren't done. This is halfway through the first period. I call back, the dumb bitch answers and tells me they aren't gonna make it. BS doesn't even talk to me. I hang up, Order another beer and finish the game. BS still hasn't called me. That was almost a week ago.
That annoyed the shit out of me. It would be different if I had invited him and he couldn't make it, but he Invited me. I had somewhere else with other friends to watch the game. So I told them I was gonna go watch with BS instead. Ended up watching by myself with 3 beers. Stars lost 5-2 that night. Real bummer since they were down 0-3 in the series. It made me kinda depressed. I had to stop drinking about 2 mins into the 3rd period. I am a lightweight when it comes to drinking now. I used to be a real heavyweight, but since a. I'm on blood thinners from having a stroke, and b. I don't drink that much, I am such a lightweight. Sucks for me, but I'm a cheap drunk now. I was getting tipsy, so I cut myself off. I had to drive home. I do NOT drink and drive. I think people that do are stupid and I threaten my friends if they try to or tell me they did. Many have been hit for it.
After the game, I came home and was relaxing and started feeling shitty. I don't know if it was the beer or something else, but I went to bed early. 10:30. That's early for me. I slept through the day and off and on throughout the rest of the next day. I felt better on Wed and our friend Slim called. He wanted me to come help him move. He needed my help moving the big shit(mattress set, bed, dresser, furniture, etc)into their new place. After that I went to AR's moms house to watch the game with her and her family. The Stars won, I was extremely happy.
Wednesday Weirdness #3, TMI Tuesday
First off, I gotta catch up on WW and TMI, then I will get to the rest.
Wednesday Weirdness #3
1.) I get angriest at work when a co-worker doesn't do their job and blatantly slacks off. Sometimes, that makes me just want to hurt people. Instead, I tend to ignore it and just do my work. They will get in trouble for it eventually.
2.) (Hypothetical scenario.) I was walking through the supermarket one day and saw a cucumber . I realized that instead of eating it, a better use for it would be a penis for a snowman.
3.) Three things that relax me more than anything are sex , vegging out and laying with AR .
4.) My favorite two things to do with my hands are eat and touch AR . My two least favorite things to do with my hands are wash dishes and cleaning up a disgusting mess.
5.) I always dreamed about owning a business or a house but never have had the money to pay for either of them.
6.) If I were starving and needed to buy something to eat, I would sell my PS2 , TV and CD/DVD Collection at a Pawn Shop to get cash to buy food.
Now for TMI Tuesday
1. Is there a TV show you HAVE to watch? If so, what is it?
I dont have one that I HAVE to watch, but I prefer to catch House.
2. What is you favorite drink if you are going to drink more than one?
Kamikazee most definately
3. How long do you carry guilt around with you?
Most of the time it last for a little while after everything has been resolved
4. Where is or would be your number one romantic get away spot?
A white sandy beach without a lot of people
5. Have you ever seen a counselor?If you mean like a therapist, yes. At one point in time a long while back, I was very depressed. I contemplated suicide, I cut myself, and I even took a whole bunch of pills once. Didnt work. Got sick and threw everything up about 30 minutes later. Didnt do that again. I was a dumb, fucked up kid. I dont do that anymore. The thought of cutting still crosses my mind whenever I get upset, but I dont act upon it.
Back to the therapist thing lol, I went to him, we talked, he told me that I knew what I was doing and why, so we just had to figure out how to make me stop. And that was all up to me. Pretty much I kept going to him to get the Zoloft. It helped me actually.
Bonus (as in optional): Last summer the Archives of Sexual Behavior the 237 reasons people have sex and the Top 50 Reasons Men and Women Have Sex. What are your top 5 reasons?
1.It feels good.
2.It's Fun.
3. I wanted to please my partner.
4.I wanted the pure pleasure.
5.I was "horny."
Ok, So I caught up with those.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Wednesday Weirdness #2
1. You get to go back in time to any year/era you want to go to. Present day you has to adapt to the lifestyle of whatever era you chose and live back in that time for one year. What era are you going back to and why?
Id go back to either the late 50's or late 60's. The era of Hot Rods and Muscle Cars.
2. What is your opinion on the butterfly effect theory? (click the link if you aren't familiar with it =D)
It is really trippy. And I believe fully in what is said that it will do. I wouldnt want to change much of anything if I ever went back in time because of that. Unless I could go back and fix it.
3. Do you hand wash your dishes or use a dishwasher?
By Hand
4. If you had to give up sex or the internet and could never do the one you gave up ever again; which would you give up?
Give up the internet. I would learn to like TV a lot more. Sex is too awesome to give up for the computer.
Want to join in our day of Weirdness?? Well you should! Pop on over to Macabre Girl's Blog to get your aWednesday Weirdness!!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
TMI Tuesday
TMI Tuesday
1. How many cell phones have you had? How long have you had your current cell phone number?
7 total including warranty and insurance claims. Ive had my current number since November of '05
2. Where was the last place you had sex?
In my bed with AR. Like she said, it may be boring, but our romp was much more than boring.
3. On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with your love life? (1 is lowest, 10 is highest)
8.5-9 I am very happy. There are things that need working on, but Im still happy as fuck.
4. Does Bliss sound like a fun game to you? Have you ever played it?
Eh, I wouldnt buy it. It might be ok like once, but yea, I dunno.
5. Is there anything or anyone you would be willing to die for?
Family, Some of my friends, and AR of course.
Bonus (as in optional): If you were (or had) a magic genie and could only grant wishes for others and you only had three left, what would they be and who would they be for?
1.Would be for AR to have several Million dollars, so she could take care of her family and herself.
2. For my mom to have several million dollars so that she could quit the job she hates and be able to have the things she wants since she went without so that my sister and I could have what we needed when we were growing up.
3. And lastly, I would give a talented scientist, that researches alternative fuels, the information and knowledge to create or find a new type of renewable, cheaper, abundant fuel source, that would work in the same manner gasoline would so that no one would have to retrofit their cars. And also the way to get this past the oil companies all the way to Everyone so that the major Oil companies couldnt stop them.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Stars beat San Jose!!!
The Stars played tonight and beat San Jose in the 4th overtime. The score was 1-1 from early in the 3rd period. There were over 100 shots taken during the whole game. Brenden Morrow finally scored about 9 minutes into the 4OT on a pass from Stephane Robidas during a Stars power play.
Both goalies were amazing tonight. Turco made a Career high and Club record breaking 61 saves which beat out Eddie Belfour's 53. He was our savior in this game. Nabokov made his share of amazing saves. He robbed Brad Richards of the winning goal with an amazing glove save. I have no ill will towards Nabokov. That man can play amazing. I only hate him when we play him. Same as Roberto Luongo of Vancouver.
Nearly 5 1/2 hours of hockey later the Stars win in the 8th longest game in NHL history. That game was amazing and kept all of us on the edge of our seats. Now we are on to the Western Conference Finals against the Detroit Red Wings. I hope we can take them. They are really good this year.
AR and I were going to go to BWW to watch the game, but Snakebites called us and said that we were welcome to come watch with her and Chevelle. So we decided it would be cheaper and easier to go down there. Slim calls me while we are driving to Chevelle's house. Tells me that him and his GF are at my house. Im like umm... Im gone. He wanted to go watch at BWW with us. But I hadnt told him that is where we were going. He just assumed. So he wants to know if Chevelle cares if he comes over. Slim is kinda annoying btw. We felt bad telling him no. But AR and Snakebites both dont like him much. AR just tolerates him. She once compared him to a fungus. He grows on you, you dont like it, but you just get used to it and its hard to get rid of. That and he would have been drinking all of the beer we had, and that is no bueno. We felt bad because we all like his GF. Shes not annoying. So we just told him we would hang with him after the game. But of course that didnt happen since it ended so late and he has to work in the morning.
Chevelle is actually getting into hockey a bit more than I thought he yells at the TV and will force himself to stay up late to see a game even though he has to wake up at 4:15 am for work every day. He stayed up through the 2nd OT. He just couldnt take not sleeping. He works a warehouse job and needs to be somewhat rested. Which we all understand. AR and I were gonna leave during the intermission and go to BWW to finish the game so they could sleep. Snakebites told us that we could stay since she was gonna stay up and finish the game anyways. She is really nice btw. Used to think she was a bitch, but she has gotten a lot better. We like her now. So Im guessing we will be spending a bit of time with them.
Ok off to do some other stuff. If I need to add more, I can edit haha. Im still excited btw. Haha!! GO STARS!!!
Saturday, May 3, 2008
The Stars were Robbed Tonight in SJ
They lost 3-2 in OT tonight. My whole problem was the fact that the game was officiated horendously. The Stars technically scored 4 times in regulation. 2 of those goals were called off. One of them I do agree with, the other how ever. I do not. Im going to post a link of the highlights from the game and you can watch the whole thing to see what Im talking about through most of this post. But I am going to give you a time stamp to scroll to to see this goal that I do not agree with being called off.
Game Recap
Ok so it wont let me link directly to the video, but I can direct you there through that link.
1:Open the page
2:Scroll down to the Gold and white box on the right side that says Game Reports.
3:Click the link that says 700k with a little yellow video camera next to it.
That will open the game highlights.
Now this goal I am talking about is at 2 minutes and 30 seconds into the video. You can watch the start of the drive to where the goal happens. They reviewed the goal becaue they had to make sure he did not kick the puck in. It bounces off of his skate, and goes through Nabokov's legs. It was Brenden Morrow. He was tangled up with a defenseman and trying to stop. While he is stopping, the puck is shot over and hits the front of his skate as it is still skating in an arc to the right and then goes in. You can clearly see from the video that he is not kicking it in, but trying to stop. He had no idea that it was on his skate. He was trying to get his stick loose to hit it, but it went off the skate. I see no kicking motion. Even the Vs announcers said that was not a kicking motion.
So the other goal that I think should have been waived off and was, came from Brenden Morrow too. He gets a pass from the left side and he has to glove it down from a little about knee height to try to hit it in. It looked to me as if it did make contact with the stick before going over the line, but after seeing several angles on the play, it didnt. So that didnt count. I agree with that. Later on in the 3rd period, Morrow is skating toward the net and ends up getting cross checked into the goal. No penalty called. He was blatantly cross checked.
In my books, the series is over. Dallas won tonight. But according to the NHL, they did not. The game was called unfairly, and everyone will get what is rightfully theirs on Sunday here in Dallas.
On another note..
Has anyone tried this new Bud Light Lime?
Its pretty tasty. AR doesnt like it, but she hates Bud Light. I happen to like Bud Light. Its almost my favorite beer. I ued to love Bud Select. I still like it, but BL is easier for me to drink. I really dont care for beer much at all. But I only drink Budwiser products. No Bud Ice though. That shit is nasty.
Along with the BL Lime tonight AR wanted to try this Bacardi Silver Mojito cocktail thing.
Its like a Mikes Hard Lemonade, but its a Mojito. That was pretty tasty too.
So we didnt end up going to a bar, but we hung out with our friend Chevelle(hes got a 71 Chevelle, so thats what I chose) and his girlfriend Snakebites. They asked if we wanted to come watch the game with them and have some beers and Pizzert. Its a dseret pizza from this place called Pizza Inn. They take a pizza type crust and put things like chocolage sauce, pudding, choc chips and other desert stuff on it. They have Chocolote chip, Double Chocolate, Rocky Road, Cherry and Apple. We got 2 smalls. Choc chip and Rocky road. I have had one of these before when I was very young. I remember it made me sick for like 3 days. Vomiting and such. So I was scared to try again. I didnt have the choc chip because it was over cooked. Plus that was the kind that made me sick. But I did try the rocky road. It was pretty damn good. Tasted like brownies.
So other than the beverages listed already, Chevelle got some Bud Select, and some Mikes Hard Lime for his GF. Apparently Snakebites is a Stars fan. Didnt know this. They are wanting to get tickets to a game here soon. So I figure we might go with them. Chevelle isnt a big hockey fan, but he watches and he understands it. But he does like the Stars. Had a really good time tonight hanging out with them. We dont see them much. Chevelle works at like 530 in the morning. So he doesnt stay out late like us. He was my best friend at one point in time up until some drama happened and I made a fucked up decision and believed the lies from another friend. It was my fault, but we are all cool now. Im not so much with that other friend due to some recent drama. That guy is all about drama though. But I can explain more about that in another post.
We are going to try to go to this car show about an hour away from here tomorrow, out close to where AR's mom lives. A couple of friends from my car club invited us out there. And probably go see Iron Man. I have a feeling that movie will rock. It looks really good.
We saw a newer trailer for Speed Racer last night. AR decided that she would go see that movie with me after that. When we first saw the preview, she said no, no and hell no. Said I could see it by myself haha. But now she wont mind. I cant wait to see it. I loved Speed Racer as a kid.
Well I made this damn post long enough, so ill shut up and go bother other people haha.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Guh. I hate not getting tired
Its almost 9 am. Why the hell am I still up? Im not tired. Its been like this the past 4 nights. I was doing things the first 2, and the last 2 I have been online blogging and doing other shit. Its like my body just decided that its ok to be up really fucking late and have no problems... AR hates it btw. I understand, I do too. Maybe I will go look for a job today since Im still up. I have one place in particular that I want to go since I have my TABC now. I think I might get hired. I dont know. Ill try it I think.
So AR is making Alfredo tonight. She found her original recipie. Oh god it was amazing. I love Olive Garden, but hers was better than theirs. Good alfredo will have some butter pooling up. Hers does. Its amazing. mmmmmmmmm Yea!
We need more friends to hang out with. Our social life is getting to be a real drag. We dont hang out with many people anymore. So we need to try to make more friends. Im thinking about making a post later today with pictures of the Camaro and plans and what not. That will be after some sleep of course.
It seriously bothers me that I am not getting tired. I even took two good size mouthfulls of Nyquil last night. I still didnt get tired for about 2 hours. Im a big guy, but cmon. That is ridiculous. I dont want to take stuff to make me sleep, but Im almost to that point. Maybe I should pull an all nighter again and try to fix my schedule. I tried that a few weeks ago. Didnt work. So maybe I can try again haha. I dunno. Off to do some more commenting and stuff.
Dallas Stars.. Le Sigh
So the Stars lost tonight. It makes me sad. SJ outplayed us hardcore. Zubie had a bad pass get intercepted again. And they scored on a break away. Lost 2-1. Thats ok. Hopefully Tippett will rip them a new one and they will get it back in game 5. Lets see how we do in the Shark Tank again. Here's hoping.
Watched at BWW with AR and my friend "slim"(as AR calls him) and his girlfriend/fiance and their daughter. AR is right when she says that that girl is the cutest little kid ever. She is so fuckin cute.
AR looked through their drink menu and came across a "Black Cherry Mojito" It sounds really damn good. We ordered one, but they didnt have the syrup to make it. So she just settled for a regular Mojito instead.
A couple of my friends, Metal-M and Foghat went to the game and sat in a suite. MM's mom gets suite tickets every so often and he takes someone. Well after checking myspace just a few minutes ago, MM apparently met Vinny Paul from Pantera. Not a big deal to me, nor him either. He doesnt like Pantera. I dont know if he really met him, but thats why his bulletin says. Oh well haha. So yea, MM called Foghat earlier wanting to sell him the tix. Asks him what he would pay him for them. Foghat asks what he wants and MM says that he needs money and would sell them for 50 bucks for the pair. FH calls another of our friends Rodacious to see if he wants to go. He says hell yes of course. Hes a big Stars fan too. FH is a bigger Stars fan than me btw. Ill get to that bastards luck in a little while. So they call MM back and tell him its on. MM says "well 50 is the least that I would take for them" and they start talking some more and then he says well "I was going to hang out with this girl tonight and I think Im gonna take her instead". Hes not much of a hockey fan btw. He just goes to have friends. He could care less I think. So FH gets pissed(I would have been too) and they hang up. MM calls him back a little later and tells him that his mom had to work her ass off for the tix and it would be fucked up if he sold them. So they talk a little more and he tells FH that hes not gonna take that girl and that FH is gonna go instead. FH tells him that he is still pissed off and needs to think on it. He calls me to bitch and explain what happened. Then calms down while we are talking and decides he wants to go. Its a Stars Playoff game. I would have too haha. So he has to call Rodacious and tell him what happened and then he is gonna be pissed too since he wanted to go. MM should have thought it out a little more before he got peoples hopes up. So now I blame FH for being bad luck since they lost. He did the same to us when we went to Game 3 against Anaheim. Haha.
Now. Onto why Fh is a lucky bastard. He has a ver well off uncle. His uncle gets suite tix every once in a while too. Not often, but he does. Now these arent just any regular suite tix. These are to Mike Modano's Suite. Yep. Typically his wife is there along with some of the other players that might not be playing. He has met Brett Hull, Brenden Morrow, and a couple of others too. His uncle only gets 2 tix, or I would gladly pay to tag along anytime haha. So yea, hes a lucky bastard.
I told him to grab us some rally towels since we couldnt go. He texted back that he didnt even have one. Which is gaybtw. I understand a little of why they may not be in the suites, but still. What the hell. They should be everywhere. AR got several extra towels that people had just thrown down at game 3. So I figure he might have been able to find one or 2. Oh well.
Ok this post got really long. Originally it was that very first paragraph and I decided to add a little haha. Yea, thats a little. When I get going, I get going.