Monday, January 26, 2009

2 in a row!

Look 2 posts in a row! Haha. So more good news on the work front. Everything is getting settled up on the decision with how things are going to be handled with the internet department. My GM and I decided that I will go on answering the leads and doing what I normally do, but I will get them in and pass them off to the other salesmen. We are also going to set up a new pay plan which involves a base pay plus commission. I will ask for 2500 monthly plus 10% commission. If he says yes, I will be happy with that, but I will do 5% commisson if he wants me to. I wouldnt mind that honestly. But hey, why not ask for more money?

So that manager that stole my check is out of jail now. He texted me on sunday and said "whats up" like I was still his friend. I did not reply. He just texted me again. "I will pay you and ask you to forgive me." The only thing that bothers me about this situation is that I cant tell if he really wants forgiveness or if he just wants me to not press charges. He is a Christian and reads the book and talks about his faith often, but his actions with everyone are the complete opposite of what he preaches. I cant tell if the faith is just a cover up for his lies or if he is just so troubled and is trying to find his faith. He needs help, but wont get it from me.

I may be an athiest, but I do not mind people and their faiths. I am friends with people with strong beliefs, and we just understand each other and we can have conversations and not get into big fights. My mother is one of them. In the past few years she started going to church again. I have been to church two or three times since I was five. My mom stopped going then and I did not go. I felt uncomfortable the times I went after that. I even attended a church that took you as you are with my best friend in high school. It was uncomfortable then too. It was not feeling like I was being shunned by how I look, it was just not me. And I realized around that time I had no faith. And that is how I choose to live my life. I have strong morals. I am a good person with a big heart. I do not need a religion to define who I am. I have studied over several religions and none of their teachings make sense to me. So I will continue to live how I do no matter what anyone says or thinks about me. I am a good person and I will be.

Ok so yea, I just needed to get that out. I struggle with people sometimes on that front. Im seen as a bad person because I have no religion. Its stupid how people think that of me. Their loss I guess.

So anyways. I got some awesome x-mas gifts. AR got me a Nikon S550 Digital camera since I needed a new one. Its 10Mp and bad ass. Her family got me Dvd's a Cd, and her parents got me a European Fondue set as well as paying part of my way out there to see her. Oh almost forgot the Dallas Stars tumbler and shot glass from her sister. I got Wanted, American Gangster, and I think another, but I cant remember. As well as the new Amon Amarth Cd. Oh and a cake decorating kit from her mom. (shut it, I love baking lol) And my friends got together and bought me a Marty Turco Jersey. Its awesome. I have been drooling over getting one for years, but have not had the funds to do it and those awesome bastards did. FogHat, Road-E, and Chevelle. Hell yea. My sister got me House Season 4. She was going to get me a manicure or peticure at the salon she worked at, but my mom convinced her not to. She told her I would not go for that, so it would go to waste. Her argument was that lots of guys go do that. And my mom just told her that it would be wasted because I would never do that, I am not the prim and proper kind of guy. She was right. I would have look at my sister like she was fucking stupid. If you really know me, you would definately know I dont go for that shit. Nothing wrong with guys that do, but its not my style. My mom got me some new work pants, which is cool because I needed them and money is tight around here. She also got me something else that I cannot remember, but I love anything she gives me like it was solid gold.

That woman has done everything and then some for me. She went without when my sister and I needed or wanted something. She sacrificed so much for us when our deadbeat dad left. We didnt need him. And are doing just fucking fine without him. Oh well lol. Im bitter. Not really bitter, just angry towards him. Drug dealing deadbeat bastard. Ok Im done with that.

Well, I seem to have ran out of things to talk about. Well maybe I can post more tomorrow. I was thinking of going to the Stars game but I talked to FogHat after work and we decided it would be best to save our money since I will be going to 3 games or so in February. Hell yea!


Bizarre Avril X said...

You should get back to playing WW! Catching up would be a pain but it is almost Wednesday. ;)

Iffy on the manager. He may truly just be a torn individual. Hope it works out for the best. His path may cross with yours again someday and perhaps it will be on happier terms.

Sounds like a good Xmas as well. Stellar gifts and congrats on the jersey!

Sorry about the deadbeat father. Have you ever considered that perhaps life would have been worse if you had had a drug dealing deadbeat about? Perhaps that you might not have turned out so well had he been around. Seems like he could have been a negative influence to have around. Kudos to your mother, single motherhood is not easy.

AR's Boyfriend said...

I think I shall get back to WW. :)

And I am iffy on him too. I dunno what to think.

Xmas rocked:)

Yea, Im much better off without him. It could have had a negative impact on me. I just wish he would have paid his child support. Bastard.

My mom kicks ass! :)